Hormone blood panel after anavar

Hi, I took anavar only over the course of 4 days, 20 mg. It felt really ass, so I stopped and threw that shit out. Today i got a blood panel 3-4 days after last pill, and my FSH and LH is very low. Testosterone and SHBG levels havent arrived yet.
What should I do? I could get nolva but im afraid my doc will find out. Btw im 18.
LH - 1.9 Normal range: 1,0 - 6,7
FSH - 1.5 Normal range 0,600 - 4,50


What were your LH/FSH before starting? Just 4 days of mild Var shouldn’t crush your HPTa, not that quickly. I would imagine SHBG will be on the low side and TT … who knows.

Do nothing. 4 days of taking anavar(if it indeed was real anavar) will do nothing.
Your 18 man, go lift some weights and learn how to eat.


Im not sure what it was before starting, its very hard to get a test in my country.
Before starting i was horny AF, and I grew hair weird places like on my delts. Now I can’t even get a boner.
I have a suspicion that the anavar crushed my estrogen but I got no clue, since I got kinda puffy nipples before starting but no “knot” or so under the nipple.

Before starting i was horny AF, and I grew hair weird places like on my delts. Now I can’t even get a boner.

Sounds like a problem. Guess you shouldn’t have been taking shit you have no idea about.

Anavar does not lower estrogen. Who knows if thats even what you took.

You will most likely be fine. Your balls are working.

Lesson learned i guess???

Yeah, it was stupid of me to not think of the consequences.
The shoulder hair growth thing started a year ago, and pretty much stunted in spreading over time. So maybe I got low lh and fsh before even starting? The only real problem is the boner, I got no clue if it’s anavar, but im pretty sure it is. It was labeled with “qsc pharma”.

*Oh and btw, 1 year ago, I was pretty damn slim and now I gained a lot of weight and fat. Maybe that supports that i got low lh and fsh before even starting?

So get your diet in check and get to the gym. Drugs are not the answer especially at your age when you are still developing.

THis means nothing. Anavar is faked with dbol all the time. Wouldn’t doubt if that’s what you took and your estrogen is elevated hence the boner issue.
Don’t take anything else until all bloods are back and post them. We need estrogen as well.

How long ago did you take the pills?
When did you get bloodwork in relation to taking the pills?

I took the pills for 4 days, and I got bloodwork 4 days after quitting it.

You’ll be fine. Don’t get in your head. It will make the boner thing worse.
Give it time. Would be nice if you had estrogen bloods to confirm what I suspect but it is what it is.
Your balls are working fine. You have no prior bloodwork shoeing different LH/FSH levels?
Your body will find equilibrium.

Nope sadly no bloodwork from before starting. It is very difficult to get bloods where I live. I have the suspicion that I might have had low values before even starting, the only difference I feel is legit not being horny anymore. Nothing else, just as tired as always. I really appreciate your help :slight_smile: I am currently waiting for the results of the shbg and test.

If it was anavar it would only be mildly suppressive and taking 20mg/day for 4 days would do virtually nothing.
From your symptoms i’m thinking it was dianabol and your estrogen spiked a bit and that’s why you have the labido/boner issue.
You will be fine. It just takes a little time.

Well yeah, idk if it’s fake. The bottle was sealed and branded qsc. I have seen a lab test on it, but I know it could be that they just sent something real to the lab and sold me something fake.
I got liver lab test too, ALP was normal and ALT was double the normal range. Idk if it means anything. Kidney levels are normal. I have read on the internet, that high ALT could be caused by hard training and high protein diet…

Relax and wait a week or two.

Your head is the issue, not what you took. That drug for that short of a duration did nothing.


yeah it doesn’t do that.


okay, I got my full blood results.
SHBG and TT is under the normal range
But free T is normal. No improvements since I started the thread, regarding the boner etc

So Var will crush SHBG which will drop TT without directly affecting FT unless you take exogenous T

Yes, four days of var contrary to popular belief IS ENOUGH to start suppressing HPTA. Var by itself according to clinical trials isn’t quite enough to fully shut you down even when taken for months but it’ll still suppress TT/FT by around 50-90% depending on the dose

Shut down is near 100% suppression.

Four days, LH and FSH will bounce back much quicker… you’ll be fine

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