I haven’t been on here in quite a awhile. I though I would provide an update on some of things that have worked for me. Hopefully it helps others that aren’t quite ready to make the jump to TRT and/or deal with idiot doctors.
Background - 36 now. 34 when I first discovered hormonal issues. Felt like shit, tired all the time, fat, depressed, zero sex drive, no sleep. Tried a couple differnt docs and an endo. Complete waste of time and money. Decided to do some research and take care of it myself.
Total Test - 224 ng/dl (225-825)
Diet, off SSRI, ZMA, Z-12, superfood, Flameout, FA3
Total Test - 327 ng/dl
Free Test - 7.9 ng/dl
E2 - 41 pg/ml (<54)
Noticable improvement just getting decent sleep.
Same as above + AlphaMale and Anastrozel drops (readily available as a reseach chem)
Total Test - 531 ng/dl
Free Test - 23 ng/dl
E2 - 18 pg/ml
DHEA-s - 335 ug/dl (120-520)
Huge improvement here. Reducing E2 was life changing. No more daily 4pm crash. Much more energy and lost some weight. Dropped dosage a bit for the next test. I’m fine having in the low to mid 20s.
Ditch the AlphaMale. Add Magnesium Gel and Vit D
Total Test - 448 ng/dl
Free Test - 19 ng/dl
E2 - 20 pg/ml
DHEA-s - 438 ug/dl
Read that transdermal Magnesium would increase DHEA. Thought I would try it and it did. The residue can be a bit anoying, so I wasn’t doing it religiously but pretty consistant. Vit D supplimentation was on and off as well.
Only change is half Mag Gel half Mag pills
Free Test - 14 ng/dl
E2 - 22.7 pg/ml
DHEA-s - 405 ug/dl
The Mag gel is definately going to stay. I just ordered another full test from lef.org. Also included SHBG to the test. I’ve stuck with Vit D, Mag gel, anastrozel, taking ZMA instead of z-12, and have been taking DAA for almost 2 months. We’ll see how the DAA works at 3g/day.
Next will be “MG Test Booster” from another site (includes DAA). I’ll start that in about two weeks. After that I am going to try AlphaMale again, this time with the Mag gel and Vit D now that those are staples. After that I might try stacking “Unleashed” from another site to whichever of the three (AM, DAA, MGTest) seems to work best. Would like to see if I can get my free test up a bit more.
I feel pretty good right now but I think there is still room for improvement. Still no sex drive to speak of and only have MW a couple time a year.