33 Year Old Male
Been feeling pretty lazy and low energy for a while so I finally decided to get some tests done to see where I was at.
Labcorp Lab Results
Thyroid Panel with TSH
TSH: 0.817 uIU/mL [R: 0.450-4.5]
T4: 7.5 ug/dL [R: 4.5-12.0]
T3 Uptake: 38 % [R: 24-39]
Free Thryoxine Index: 2.9 [R: 1.2-4.9]
Testosterone, Free/Tot Equilib
Testosterone, Serum: 246 ng/dL [R: 249-836] LOW
Testosterone, Free: 8.83 ng/dL [R: 5-21]
% Free Testosterone: 3.59 % [R: 1.5-4.2]
FSH and LH
LH: 4.9 mIU/mL [R: 1.7-8.6]
FSH: 4.5 mIU/mL [R: 1.5-12.4]
IGF-1: 204 ng/mL [R: 115-307]
Estradial, Sensitive: 17 pg/mL [R: 3-70]
Had out of range high RDW which apparently means I’m iron deficient too. Better fix that.
As far as all my hormones the Test, Serum was the only thing out of range and it’s pretty darn low.
Anything else that looks like it should be more towards one end of the scale?
Edit: Adding other test results to first post
Did a cortisol saliva test which included DHEAS as well.
Morning: 6.1 [r 3.7-9.5]
Noon: 1.7 [r 1.2-3.0]
Evening: 1.6 [r 0.6-1.9]
Night: 0.6 [r 0.4-1.0]
DHEAS was 29.7 ng/ml [r 2-23 age dependant 20 was about the high end of the range for my age]
TSH: 1.080 uIU/mL [R: 0.450-4.5]
T4, Free: 1.02 ng/dL [R: 0.82-1.77]
TIBC: 328 ug/dL [R: 250-450]
UIBC: 247 ug/dL [R: 150-375]
Iron, Serum: 81 ug/dL [R: 40-155]
Iron Sat: 25% [R: 15-55]
Ferritin, Serum: 319 ng/mL [R:30-400]
T3 Triiodotheyronine, Free, Serum: 3.2 pg/mL [R: 2.0-4.4]