Homosexuality vs. Wiping an Entire Species Off the Planet...

[quote]LankyMofo wrote:

[quote]anonym wrote:

[quote]dollarbill44 wrote:

[quote]Amiright wrote:

[quote]Shadowzz4 wrote:(the only reason I have a problem with that statement is that I don’t think saying someone was a “good Muslim man” would be acceptable).

I’m more curious as to what this is supposed to mean… maybe my reading comprehension skills are hurting atm. [/quote]

The way I read it is that the OP doesn’t think there are any good Muslim men.


The way I read it is that the OP was thinking along the lines of calling a black man articulate.[/quote]

The way I read it is that the OP believes whites are smarter than blacks.[/quote]

The way I read it, is that the OP believes being pious in your beliefs, doesn’t make you a good person. He obviously thinks there’s something “off” with this guy, and his way of thinking, even though he assumes many Christians would see him as a really good by because of his faith. The “Good Muslim” comment, I think, goes to the notion that many here (check out the politics section if you don’t believe me) think that there’s something inherent about being Muslim in conflict with being “good”. Good here is not a relative term (like you’re good at being a Muslim or good at being a Christian) but to be a good Christian, you’d have to be both Christian, and Good, not just good at being Christian.

Did I make any sense?

[quote]LankyMofo wrote:

The way I read it is that the OP believes whites are smarter than blacks.[/quote]

Its not a belief if its a fact ;).

Thats ok if I put the :wink: after it right? Thats like prefacing anything you are about to say with “With all due respect…”, right?

When a good christian man says: ‘homosexuality is a sin’

what he is trying to say is: ‘stick it in my pooper’

Carry on with the lesbo pics now please.

[quote]Amiright wrote:

[quote]Shadowzz4 wrote:(the only reason I have a problem with that statement is that I don’t think saying someone was a “good Muslim man” would be acceptable).

I’m more curious as to what this is supposed to mean… maybe my reading comprehension skills are hurting atm. [/quote]

It isn’t just you, I was wondering the same thing…

[quote]Shadowzz4 wrote:
I had a discussion with a client of mine today regarding another gym member who is a lesbian. This client of mine is what many would consider “a good christian man” (the only reason I have a problem with that statement is that I don’t think saying someone was a “good Muslim man” would be acceptable).

Anyhow we got into a discussion about homosexuality and he was seriously bent out of shape over the whole thing. Since I know how to ruffle his feathers I asked him what was a bigger deal, wiping an entire species of animal of the face of the earth, or this specific homosexual situation we were discussing. As expected he said the homosexual relationship and that If I had read the bible I would know we have dominion over animals so it doesn’t matter what we do. I kindof find that whole premise a little ridiculous but was curious to hear what others think, religious nuts included.[/quote]

he brought up religion, the discussion is already over.

Homosexuality is A-ok in my book. I think they should be able to adopt kids too. Especially when you consider the state of so many foster care systems.

Thats like prefacing anything you are about to say with “With all due respect…”, right?
Exactly what I was thinking Ricky B

[quote]dollarbill44 wrote:

[quote]Amiright wrote:

[quote]Shadowzz4 wrote:(the only reason I have a problem with that statement is that I don’t think saying someone was a “good Muslim man” would be acceptable).

I’m more curious as to what this is supposed to mean… maybe my reading comprehension skills are hurting atm. [/quote]

The way I read it is that the OP doesn’t think there are any good Muslim men.


Thats not the way it was meant at all… kinda came out wrong I guess. Here is my stance. I’m cool with everyone and everything, unless its people that are fat because they are lazy, other than that no problems with anyone. So reading my OP I think you can see where I was headed. The way people throw around the phrase “good christian man/woman” is a little obnoxious since it implies somewhat of a superiority of one religion over another. Thats where the Muslim reference came from, I was using it sarcastically saying that it wasn’t really socially acceptable to throw that around like you would “good christian”. Though why shouldnt it be.

As for the lesbian remark, I am actually very good friends with her. Just because I said we were talking about her, doesnt mean I was agreeing… it was more of a, “keep your voice down you can’t go around saying things like that” to my client. So now that all the internet Sherlock Holmes mysteries have been solved and I think its clear that Im not the worlds biggest bigot, lets get back to the original question for Christs sake you bunch of fucking idiots.

[quote]Spartiates wrote:

[quote]LankyMofo wrote:

[quote]anonym wrote:

[quote]dollarbill44 wrote:

[quote]Amiright wrote:

[quote]Shadowzz4 wrote:(the only reason I have a problem with that statement is that I don’t think saying someone was a “good Muslim man” would be acceptable).

I’m more curious as to what this is supposed to mean… maybe my reading comprehension skills are hurting atm. [/quote]

The way I read it is that the OP doesn’t think there are any good Muslim men.


The way I read it is that the OP was thinking along the lines of calling a black man articulate.[/quote]

The way I read it is that the OP believes whites are smarter than blacks.[/quote]

The way I read it, is that the OP believes being pious in your beliefs, doesn’t make you a good person. He obviously thinks there’s something “off” with this guy, and his way of thinking, even though he assumes many Christians would see him as a really good by because of his faith. The “Good Muslim” comment, I think, goes to the notion that many here (check out the politics section if you don’t believe me) think that there’s something inherent about being Muslim in conflict with being “good”. Good here is not a relative term (like you’re good at being a Muslim or good at being a Christian) but to be a good Christian, you’d have to be both Christian, and Good, not just good at being Christian.

Did I make any sense?

Haha you are the man. Everyone else on this thread is fucking dipshit. I love how everyone just reads something and immediately assumes the worst, that I, in fact, must be the Devil and am making improper remarks about everyone I can think of.

[quote]anonym wrote:

[quote]LankyMofo wrote:

[quote]anonym wrote:

[quote]dollarbill44 wrote:

[quote]Amiright wrote:

[quote]Shadowzz4 wrote:(the only reason I have a problem with that statement is that I don’t think saying someone was a “good Muslim man” would be acceptable).

I’m more curious as to what this is supposed to mean… maybe my reading comprehension skills are hurting atm. [/quote]

The way I read it is that the OP doesn’t think there are any good Muslim men.


The way I read it is that the OP was thinking along the lines of calling a black man articulate.[/quote]

The way I read it is that the OP believes whites are smarter than blacks.[/quote]

Well, clearly the bastard believes that to be the case.

The real question is why someone with a painting of a scantily clad male in his avatar is so interested in packing fudge.[/quote]

Do you see what happened there? Thats one of those mob mentality things, you read what someone ELSE wrote, not what I wrote, and you obviously cant think for yourself. It goes from me saying whites are smarter than blacks though Muslims are not necessarily black nor would I even guess the majority is, but anyway, to me being a bastard… haha you guys are all fucked in the head. I’ve learned alot about the average reading comprehension skills in the Get A Life Forum.

[quote]Shadowzz4 wrote:

Haha you are the man. Everyone else on this thread is fucking dipshit. I love how everyone just reads something and immediately assumes the worst, that I, in fact, must be the Devil and am making improper remarks about everyone I can think of.[/quote]

Thanks. Just trying to help a Devil’s-advocate out.

Look, we all know at least a couple of gay people, and more often than not, would classify them as GOOD PEOPLE.

Personally, I have a gay uncle and I met all his gay friends, even hanging out and talking with them with drinks on the table. I can honestly say that they are the nicest group of people I’ve ever met.

I’m Christian/Catholic, although not very religious, I still believe in the man above. To be totally honest, I think that’s the only thing about my religion that I actually follow/believe; HAVING A SUPERIOR BEING. Other than that, I don’t believe Noah’s ark ever happened or that gays should be discriminated against.

I guess the only beef I have with gays is that some of them go way too over the top. Some of them dress and act ridiculously GAY(no pun intended), but it doesn’t wanna make me deny them any thing.

[quote]Shadowzz4 wrote:

[quote]anonym wrote:

[quote]LankyMofo wrote:

[quote]anonym wrote:

[quote]dollarbill44 wrote:

[quote]Amiright wrote:

[quote]Shadowzz4 wrote:(the only reason I have a problem with that statement is that I don’t think saying someone was a “good Muslim man” would be acceptable).

I’m more curious as to what this is supposed to mean… maybe my reading comprehension skills are hurting atm. [/quote]

The way I read it is that the OP doesn’t think there are any good Muslim men.


The way I read it is that the OP was thinking along the lines of calling a black man articulate.[/quote]

The way I read it is that the OP believes whites are smarter than blacks.[/quote]

Well, clearly the bastard believes that to be the case.

The real question is why someone with a painting of a scantily clad male in his avatar is so interested in packing fudge.[/quote]

Do you see what happened there? Thats one of those mob mentality things, you read what someone ELSE wrote, not what I wrote, and you obviously cant think for yourself. It goes from me saying whites are smarter than blacks though Muslims are not necessarily black nor would I even guess the majority is, but anyway, to me being a bastard… haha you guys are all fucked in the head. I’ve learned alot about the average reading comprehension skills in the Get A Life Forum.[/quote]

GTFO racist

[quote]Shadowzz4 wrote:
As for the lesbian, I am actually very good friends with her.

This means you have pictures.

And you should post them.

[quote]LankyMofo wrote:

[quote]Shadowzz4 wrote:

[quote]anonym wrote:

[quote]LankyMofo wrote:

[quote]anonym wrote:

[quote]dollarbill44 wrote:

[quote]Amiright wrote:

[quote]Shadowzz4 wrote:(the only reason I have a problem with that statement is that I don’t think saying someone was a “good Muslim man” would be acceptable).

I’m more curious as to what this is supposed to mean… maybe my reading comprehension skills are hurting atm. [/quote]

The way I read it is that the OP doesn’t think there are any good Muslim men.


The way I read it is that the OP was thinking along the lines of calling a black man articulate.[/quote]

The way I read it is that the OP believes whites are smarter than blacks.[/quote]

Well, clearly the bastard believes that to be the case.

The real question is why someone with a painting of a scantily clad male in his avatar is so interested in packing fudge.[/quote]

Do you see what happened there? Thats one of those mob mentality things, you read what someone ELSE wrote, not what I wrote, and you obviously cant think for yourself. It goes from me saying whites are smarter than blacks though Muslims are not necessarily black nor would I even guess the majority is, but anyway, to me being a bastard… haha you guys are all fucked in the head. I’ve learned alot about the average reading comprehension skills in the Get A Life Forum.[/quote]

GTFO racist[/quote]

Awesome! This guy still doesnt get it.

To me, that’s just an annoying character trait that only some of them may possess. Just as some people are loud, obnoxious, or bitchy, some gay people are flamboyant.

I don’t like saying that I don’t have a problem with homosexuality…because…it’s simply not something with which anybody should reasonably have a problem. That said, I don’t have a problem with gay people, but the flamers can definitely get on my nerves.

[quote]B.L.U. Ninja wrote:

I guess the only “beef” I have with gays…


[quote]Shadowzz4 wrote:

[quote]anonym wrote:

[quote]LankyMofo wrote:

[quote]anonym wrote:

[quote]dollarbill44 wrote:

[quote]Amiright wrote:

[quote]Shadowzz4 wrote:(the only reason I have a problem with that statement is that I don’t think saying someone was a “good Muslim man” would be acceptable).

I’m more curious as to what this is supposed to mean… maybe my reading comprehension skills are hurting atm. [/quote]

The way I read it is that the OP doesn’t think there are any good Muslim men.


The way I read it is that the OP was thinking along the lines of calling a black man articulate.[/quote]

The way I read it is that the OP believes whites are smarter than blacks.[/quote]

Well, clearly the bastard believes that to be the case.

The real question is why someone with a painting of a scantily clad male in his avatar is so interested in packing fudge.[/quote]

you see what happened there? Thats those mentality things what I wrote, and obviously cant think. From me saying whites are smarter than blacks. Muslims are not black I guess , but anyway, to me being a bastard…all fucked in the head. I’ve learned average comprehension skills in Life .[/quote]

Do you see what happened there?

Could you close the door please?

…from the other side