[quote]Vegita wrote:
Professor X wrote:
Vegita wrote:
Did some of you forget to shit today? Or possibly yesterday as well? Why do some of you have to jump all over the racial injustice in every fucking post. Seriously, you aren’t the race police, Prof X I like you as the BB police but your whole race police sctick is getting old. A wigger, is a white dude who tries to act like he is an inner city black dude.
I had them in my school and our graduating class was 96 people. They were pathetic excuses for human beings. Even better, I had two of them in my pledge class in college. They acted tough and in your face and were from “strong island” fucking those two nitwits got slapped around by every kid in my pledge class at least 5 times.
I mean let me get this straight, fighting against racism has gone from protecting black people from injustice, to protecting black people from stereotypes which in many cases they identified with themselves, to now defending white people who TRY to ACT like black people? You guys are off your fucking rocker.
If a white guy grows up in third ward Houston, he is going to act like everyone else from 3rd ward Houston…ie, what many of you have labeled as “acting black”. These are cultural differences and while there no doubt may exist some wannabes who are as fake as the guys on this site who claim they are growing like weeds, the fact that you think this way based on color alone shows your own faults.
Why is that so hard for you to accept?
People who think like you are why “acting white” gets thrown at black guys who dress or speak a certain way.
No, actually, I am not the reason that happens. If I am down in an inner city and see a white “dude” on a street corner and he is dressed like a “gansta” for lack of a better term, I will think of him as a “gansta”. Especially if the neighborhood is rough. The wigger is ONLY used to describe someone in a suburban setting who is dressing like a “gansta”. So my “judgement” of someone does not only rely on the color of someones skin.
Look, you guys just got all defensive and emotional because someone on here used the word “wigger” you need to chillax. I do not like racial injustice any more than the next person, but another thing I don’t like is people who fucking cry about race any chance that they get. I have noticed you chiming in a lot more frequently on these non-issues, it does not paint you in a positive light.
Defending the term “wigger” doesn’t do you any favor’s either. Especially when it’s a blatant terminology for saying “a white guy who acts like a nigger.” Don’t act as if Prof X brought race into this.