[quote]jMill2 wrote:
Thanks for the replies.
Cortes, no, completely I am inexperienced with Tren Ace. This will be my first time with it (same with Prop). I’ve just read many times online about how some people get a lot of pain from their injections.
When you say “shitty” products coming out of UGL, you think it could have something to do with the BA content some of these guys might be using? I see a lot of recipes floating around that call for 5% BA. I’m no expert but that seems unnecessarily high.
If lowering the BB won’t help reduce pain, and Tren Ace itself isn’t very painful, why not instead bump up the BB and brew it at higher concentrations? I might be tempted to try 200mg/ml and see what happens. I will be running TA at about 50mg ED for my next cycle and if I only had to pin .25 ml the “pain reducing” benefits of smaller injection volume might outweigh the “pain increasing” effects of higher concentration. Your thoughts?
As for filtration, I am planning to run it through either a Whatman .2 or .45. I know .2 is considered safer, but it took forever to get the Prop I brewed through a .45 filter, and the idea of pushing 150ml of TA through .2 filters doesn’t sound very fun.[/quote]
Thanks for the detailed explanation. See, I knew it. Every time with one of these threads, once the OP starts getting a bit more detailed about what’s actually going on, it immediately becomes clear what the problems are.
Here are your issues as I see them:
%BA. Go with 2%. As you surmise, 5% is ridiculously high. This is used by UGL’s most often, to compensate for an inability to achieve proper sterility. This is actually why I, more an more, would encourage guys who are going to make this a lifestyle to either fork over the extra money and go with pharm grade gear, or secure a reliable powder source and learn to homebrew. Homebrewed gear is orders of magnitude more safe than any UGL, including the big name UGLs like BD and GA, imo.
Filtration. Go with .2 or.22 whatman. Now the easiest, most efficient option, especially if you are brewing 150ml or more as you state, is to go with a bottle top filtration unit. They are absolute heaven, especially if you’ve been using (gag) syringe filters up to this point. However, these take a bit of initial set-up investment (most of it one-time) and some figuring out. I’ve explained in detail how to use them in another thread. Perhaps one of our members would be kind enough to link that thread, as I’ve forgotten which one it was.
If you are ready to go now and the bottle-top filtration system has to wait, then what you want to do is this: Go to the hardware store or, if you’re lucky, your garage, and get a heavy-duty caulking gun (should cost like 10 bucks, tops) and a couple of large washers of different sizes (like half dollar and old Eisenhauer silver doller sizes…I’m in Japan so mine are in cm and they are 3cm and 4cm diameter with a 0.8cm and 1cm hole, respectively). Then you’ll want to get a number of 20 or 30ml syringes. You can go with bigger, but the smaller ones have better compression because of the smaller size, but are about as small as you will want to practically go. I personally find 20ml syringes filled to the 25ml mark (full) to be just right. Okay, so now you will load up your syringe with your unfiltered oil, put the washers on over the tip, then, over that, you will screw on your .2 um whatman and your needle. Throw the entire thing in the caulking gun and you now have a quick and dirty (though sterile!!!) filtration compression device. Thanks once again to 5.0 for this idea! It is not my own.
Lastly, I do NOT suggest raising BB and going with a higher concentration. First, there’s a limit to how much powder the BB is going to help dissolve in oil. After a certain point, no extra amount of BB is going to do anything but be worse for our health. BB is not the worst thing ever to put in your body, but I would say that attempting to find the lowest possible amount you can safely put in would be a good thing. If you are not going to be shooting massive amounts of tren daily, then you don’t need a high ratio in the first place. Just go with 2/10 and brew with whole thing at 50mg/ml and have a completely painless brew. If you are going to be shooting a bit higher volume daily, then go with 2/20 and 100mg/ml, and, if you filter it right, I cannot see any reason why you should have any problems whatsoever with pain, because that’s what I do, and I NEVER have post injection pain of any kind with tren, or any of the steroids I brew, for that matter.