Home Shed Gym 5/3/1 - Focusing on the Iron

I’m only 3 workouts into trying them, bit weird to start with but I’ve been able to do them pain free. I thought wrist mobility might be a restricting factor but that’s been fine so far albeit with not particularly heavy weights.

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First thing, Easy Conditioning - 3 mile weighted vest walk + shoulder rehab, fasted.

Lunchtime workout
Template with no name, 3s week, workout 6

BB Deadlift
105kg x5
120kg x5
135kg x5

BB Squat FSL 105kg - 5x5

Flat DB Bench 30kg - 3x11, 1x8
BW x12
10kg - 1x8, 2x10
Weighted Situps 20kg - 3x15
More shoulder rehab work

Yesterday’s food

Meal 1 (pre run)
1 scoop whey with water
x3 medjool dates

Meal 2
40g oats with 225g lactose free yogurt + 1 scoop whey
1tbsp peanut butter
Mixed berries

Meal 3
Remaining beef brisket with mixed veg

Meal 4
Pre cooked chicken with beets and sauerkraut

Meal 5
Lean beef meatballs
x3 lamb skwewers
Rice + Pitta
Dark Chocolate


Rest Day.
Was feeling a bit achy and tired yesterday so slept in a bit this morning and skipped the walk as it was windy and rainy AF.

Weight this morning was 214.8lbs which is down about .5lb from last week. Feeling and looking a bit tighter round the mid section which had me a bit despondent until I went for my physio appointment. I asked him about the musculature around my infraspinatus and rhomboids, he’d said there has been a real development of muscle in that area to the point (which probably explains the weight stagnation) where there’s near symmetry in my rhomboids but my anterior delt and infraspinatus are lagging a bit. The strength has also come on on all of the strength tests we re-did. We discussed the best way for me to continue to rehab and progress is to continue to build muscle, to this end I’m going to start eating a bit more with a view to end up in a slight surplus.


Template with no name, 1s week, workout 7

BB Squat
113kg x5
128kg x3
143kg x9

Reverse grip Bench TM set
Bar x10
40kg x5
50kg x5
60kg x3
70kg x3
80kg x5 - TM


BB Good Mornings
60kg x12
70kg x10
80kg x8

DB Kroc Row 37.5kg x21 (each side)
Overhead plate raises 20kg - 3x15
Shoulder rehab work

Decided upon stepping in the gym this morning to make this week a mini anchor.
Pretty happy with that, could’ve probably ground out another reps on the squat but I was getting gassed. Has made me think about including a squat widowmaker once a week to address that weakness. Narrow stance continues to be much less stress on my back. The 5 reps on the topset of bench were pretty solid so happy to go for 80kg as a TM.


ES4FL style workout
HLR 1x10
BW Pull-ups 3x3
BB Snatch Grip High Pull
40kg x3
50kg x3
60kg x3

BB Incline Bench
60kg x3
70kg x3
75kg x3
KB Swings x45
Followed by 2 mile weighted vest walk, fasted.

Good day yesterday, youngest turned 6 and absolutely violated my wallet in build a bear. Finished the day with pizza and cake so today is a fat loss centred day. I do plan on incorporating a deficit day once per week to try and curtail any fat gain.


Template with no name, 1s week, workout 8

BB Close Grip Bench
64kg x5
72kg x3
81kg x8x2 (did this set twice as I wasn’t counting the first time and couldn’t remember if I got 7 or 8)

92kg x5
106kg x5
120kg x5

DB Side Lateral Raise 11.5kg - 11,12,12,12
KB Meadows Split Squat 28kg - 12,14,15 (each leg)
Bent Over Row 90kg - 3x10
Shoulder rehab


Strong Bent Over Row!


Yesterday - Easy Conditioning - 4.5 miles, steady pace

Template with no name, 1s week, workout 9

BB Deadlift
113kg x5
128kg x3
143kg x10

SSB Front Squat TM Setting
Bar x10
50kg x5
65kg x5
80kg x3
90kg x1
105kg x5 - TM

DB Bench 32.5kg - 9,9,8
Shoulder Rehab Work

Bit pinched for time so didn’t get time to get through the accessory work however this one was still a big win. I could’ve got another couple of reps on deadlifts but had decided to cap it at 10 come what may, I’ve adjusted quite nicely now to the narrower stance and my back has been much better over the last couple of weeks.


Hard conditioning x7 hill sprints followed by 10 min recovery walk
Went for the lesser of the two slopes by me, had a couple of short ones followed by 5 medium sprints.

AM - 2 mile weighted vest walk, fasted.

TM setting
Snatch grip high pull - 1RM setting
Bar 2x5
40kg x3
45kg x3
55kg x3
60kg x1
70kg x1

Incline TM set
Bar x10
40kg x5
50kg x3
60kg x3
70kg x1
77kg x5


5/3/1 - Building a Bigger Yoke (BaBY), Week 1, 5s week, workout 1

Incline Bench:
50kg x5
58kg x5
65kg x5
Superset with DB Kroc Rows, worked up to 37.5kg x23 (each arm)

Close Grip Bench (SST)
44kg x10
52kg x10
61kg x10
Superset with Trap Bar Shrugs 72kg - 3x12

Shoulder Complex - overhead plate raise 20kg, DB side lateral 9kg, DB bent over raise 9kg - 3x10
Neck Harness Raise 15kg - 5x10

Daily Work
Shoulder Rehab
Pullaparts x100
Pushdowns x40

Been wanting to give the BaBY template a run for a while now, seems like the perfect template to address my upper body weak areas. The weights I’m running are pretty humbling and reminds me of how low my base has got, however I got through this with zero pain which is a massive result.

Goals for this block:
Get greater parity between left and injured right side in both size and strength. This is reflected in arm, chest, shoulder, trap and certain parts of my back.
Get stronger on every lift (I’m gonna run this template as a 3 week anchor after 6 weeks)
Put on as little fat as possible, I’m going to continue to keep carbs low between post workout to evening meal.
Continue to rehab my infraspinatus and strengthen my anterior delt

Managed to get the lurgy on Thursday which peaked yesterday so I skipped conditioning yesterday in favour of recovery. I’ve also got some weirdness going on with my guts, I’ve been getting a weird pain over the past week which I’ve attributed to starting on grape seed extract, I’ve looked and you can get reactions which include stomach aches so these have been thrown away since Thursday, hopefully the ache subsides soon and it’s just a hangover from taking it for a week and a bit.


This is one of my favorites! Given your work ethic, I think it’ll treat you well.

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You put me on to it mate, after seeing what you achieved it has been on my to do list.

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5/3/1 - Building a Bigger Yoke (BaBY), Week 1, 5s week, workout 2

BB Deadlift
101kg x5
116kg x5
132kg x5

SSB Front Squat (SST)
53kg x10
63kg x10
74kg x10

KB Swings 24kg x100
Banded 360 Neck Ext purple - 3x15 (each direction)
Core x0 (forgot)
Shoulder Rehab

Daily Work
Pullaparts x100
Pushdowns x25

Still not shifted this lurgy so this morning was a bit of a challenge but nothing too taxing.


I managed to improve this over 2-3 years of using DBs & machines rather than BBs. Not easy though

Yesterday - Easy Conditioning, 5k run steady pace, very steady. Still a bit congested.
Daily Work - Shoulder Rehab, Pullaparts x100, Pushdowns x30

5/3/1 - Building a Bigger Yoke (BaBY), Week 1, 5s week, workout 3

Reverse Grip Bench
52kg x5
60kg x5
68kg x5
Superset with banded face pull, purple - 3x20

BB Floor Press (SST)
44kg x10
53kg x10
62kg x10
Superset with BB Bent Over Row 90kg x10, 95kg x5, 98kg x5 - TM

Unilateral DB Bench Press 5 sec eccentric 19kg - 3x10 (RH side only)
Neck Flexion 10kg x20, 15kg x23
Glenn B Shrugs
20kg bells x23
10kg plates x100

Daily Work
Pullaparts x100
Pushdowns x35
Shoulder Rehab

Man them shrugs were hard, thought I’d piss it with the 20’s but had to drop down to some 10kg plates which were still challenging. Going to use the SST model for rows as well to keep the progression going.

@rugby_lifting I’ve done some more conventional single arm presses to try and fix this previously however my infraspinatus wasn’t fixed so I’m hoping that now it more or less is and if I use the 5 sec lowering method which is what I’ve been doing for my bicep and delt with bands to fix issues. Just need to be patient now and see how it goes.


5/3/1 - Building a Bigger Yoke (BaBY), Week 1, 5s week, workout 4

BB Snatch Grip High Pull
38kg x5
44kg x5
50kg x5

BB Squat
100kg x5
116kg x5
131kg x5

73kg x10
87kg x10
102kg x10

KB Swings 24kg x65
Banded Neck Extensions Purple - 3x15 (each direction)

Daily Work
Shoulder Rehab
Pullaparts x100
Pushdowns x30


Hard Conditioning - Task Tabata
Round 1 - BW Chins
Round 2 - BW Situps
Round 3 - KB Swings 24kg
Round 4 - BW Air Squats
Alternate between rounds until hitting 300 total reps, done in 22 rounds. And breathe
Followed by 40 min weighted vest walk, fasted.


Hard Conditioning
X1 warmup hill sprint
X6 Hill sprints
Followed by 1 mile walk

Weighed in yesterday at 215lbs, that’s a 0.2lb increase in 2 weeks so established a nice baseline. Going to increase the food intake a bit more this week and see where we end up


5/3/1 - Building a Bigger Yoke (BaBY), Week 2, 3s week, workout 5

BB Incline Bench
54kg x5
62kg x5
69kg x5
Superset with Kroc Row, worked to 40kg x19 each side

BB Close Grip Bench (SST)
52kg x10
61kg x8
70kg x6
Superset with Trap Bar Shrug 77kg - 14, 14, 15

Neck Harness Raises 15kg - 5x12
Shoulder Complex - plate raise 20kg, DB side and rear lateral raises 9kg - 3x10
DB unilateral Bench 21kg with 5 sec eccentric - 3x10 right side only
Shoulder rehab

Daily work
Pullaparts x100
Pushdowns x40


5/3/1 - Building a Bigger Yoke (BaBY), Week 2, 3s week, workout 6

BB Deadlift
109kg x5
124kg x5
140kg x5

Front SSB Squat (SST)
63kg x10
74kg x8
84kg x6

Banded 360 Neck Ext purple - 3x20 (each way)
Core x3 circuits of KB front rack march and HLR x10
KB Swings 28kg x65

Daily Work
Shoulder Rehab
Pullaparts x100