Home Shed Gym 5/3/1 - Focusing on the Iron

Full Body 1000% Awesome Anchor, 1s week, workout 9

BB Squat FSL 130kg 5x5

Swiss Bar Bench
72kg x5
82kg x3
92kg x8

JM Press 45kg - 11,11,12,12
1 arm band pushdown x24 (each arm)
Weighted Chins 18.5kg - 7,7,6
Pullaparts x65
Weighted Back Ext 20kg - 14,15,15
HKR x21

That’s a wrap on 1000% awesome, not done a weigh in since before I started on the anchor, will probably do one tomorrow but key messages for me on this:
Lower body lifts I continued to get stronger on despite the weight loss. Hit a couple of non fat bastard PR’s on squat and deadlift, my deadlift isn’t that far away from all time PR. Squat is miles out but I was about 40lbs heavier than current weight when I hit 225kg x1. I’d rather not be a fat bastard and a bit weaker personally

Upper body pressing has got worse, the 8th rep of the topset today was as much as I could muster, the right shoulder is clearly lagging. I will go to the quacks after I get back from holiday and see what we can do.

I enjoy full body training, there is something about properly emptying the tank 3 times a week and hitting everything that just endears itself to me. It also allows me to hit the conditioning a bit harder to create a decent deficit.

However I’m gonna have a change of pace after I get back from holiday next week. Having done Easy Strength for Fat Loss as a deload a few weeks ago I’m going to use similar principles but apply it to 5/3/1 High Frequency Project v1 in the Beyond book.

I’m planning to do the first block of workouts (24) over a 5 week period. Each workout will start off with HLR and end with a finisher to get my heart rate up and will be followed with a weighted vest walk as per ES4FL. I will start off doing the workouts fasted and see how it goes. One of the main things I didn’t like about the ES4FL was the lack of squatting and less so benching, doing this template will put paid to that as I’ll be squatting a couple of times per week. Looking forward to seeing how it goes.


Great work with 1000% Awesome—lots of good stuff here.

That makes two of us!

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Hard Conditioning
x10 hill sprints followed by short recovery walk

Quads feeling tired this morning, ready for a few days of rest after tomorrow.
Weight this morning was 223.8lbs, weight was fluctuating a few weeks ago from 222.2 to 225.4 when I weighed myself last so not sure how to feel about this. I think there’s been a bit of recomp, plus I did eat quite a carb heavy meal last night.

Plan is to get OHP in tomorrow before leaving for a week off in the isle of wight fairly early tomorrow morning


OHP test
Seated BB OHP
59kg x5
67kg x3
75kg x4
70kg x5 - TM

DB 1 arm row 40kg - 12, 14, 15, 15 (each arm)
DB incline Bench 26.5 - 14, 15

OHP felt heavy, pressing strength has definitely tanked post BBB dieting. Was up at 3.30 to get this done. Currently sitting in a kids club whilst my youngest is living her best life and I’m ready for bed.


High Frequency Project for Fat Loss, Workout 1

HLR 1x10
Seated BB OHP
49kg x3
56kg x3
63kg x3
70kg x1

DB 1 arm Row 40kg - 3x15 (each side)
Neck harness raises 15kg - 3x15
Rotator cuff work - external and internal rotation plus rehab 2x15 of each

Finisher - 24kg KB swings 5x15

Followed by 2 mile 20kg weighted vest walk

Back after an awesome break, well fed and rested.

First workout of this little experiment is done and I think it’s going to work nicely. Weights and finisher took 30 mins to complete and was done at a gentle pace.

My eldest turns 15 today and she wants to go for breakfast. Given the last week of gluttony I’ll be going for an option that fits the diet.


High Frequency Project for Fat Loss, Workout 2

HLR 1x10

BB Squat (5s %s)
114kg x3
131kg x3
148kg x3

BB Deadlift

122kg x3
154kg x3
172kg x3

Hypers off bench 3x10
Elevated the end of the bench on bumper plates to increase ROM

10 KB Deadlifts
10 KB goblet squats
24kg bell, 5 rounds

Followed by 1.6 mile 20kg weighted vest walk

Not done hypers for a couple of years and when I did it hadn’t occurred to me to elevate the end of the bench so got a good stretch on these. Need to incorporate this going forward. Other than that what on paper the toughest workout of the week was fairly easy. Using an 85% TM definitely keeps it in the easy strength ethos.


Easy Conditioning
4 miles steady pace

Yeah I know Jim said no conditioning to be done on this template but I can’t help myself.


High Frequency Project for Fat Loss, Workout 3

HLR 1x10

Swiss Bar Bench
69kg x3
78kg x3
88kg x3

25 reps - Weighted Chins 18.5kg - 7,7,6,5
Rotator Cuff rehab x2 sets

x10 24kg KB Swings
x10 Air Squats
x10 Pressups
x10 Situps

Done for 5/6 rounds, wasn’t really counting. Then did 5 mins recovery on bike.

Didn’t wake up for my alarm this morning, got up nearly 30 mins later so was short on time. My shoulders been quite quiet the last few days and then is painful again today, this is surely not a coincidence on the same day I’ve been benching. I’m done with benching for a while now, need to have some time to let my shoulder heal so will be switching to a BB Floor Press for the next couple of cycles whilst focusing on some shoulder rehab.


High Frequency Project for Fat Loss, Workout 4

HLR 1x10

BB Squat
122kg x3
139kg x3
157kg x3

Weighted Back Extensions 20kg - 3x12
Banded Crunches - 3x20

Finisher - x20 KB snatches (each hand) 20kg

Followed by just over 3 mile walk in 20kg vest.

Back felt quite niggly today and bar speed wasn’t great so didn’t go for any of the optional singles. Embracing Dan John’s easy strength philosophy for this template which seems to be making it work.


High Frequency Project for Fat Loss, Workout 5

HLR 1x10

Seated BB OHP
46kg x5
53kg x5
60kg x5

Meadows Row 22.5kg - 14,16,17 (each arm)
360 Banded Neck Ext purple - 15,25
Poundstone Curls empty barbell x102 (new PR, time to add some weight to the bar)
Couple of rotator cuff rehab sets, was watching a couple of YouTube videos about correcting shoulder pain and how it can be down to an underdeveloped muscle. Couple of the exercises I did seem to point to what the video was saying so I’ll get this done 3 times per week and see how we go.

Finisher x5 ABC’s 20kg bells

Followed by 3 mile weighted vest walk


Easy Conditioning/Active Recovery

Bike - 15 mins
Light circuit of mobility and prehab
x60 KB Swings
3.25 mile weighted vest walk


High Frequency Project for Fat Loss, Workout 6

HLR 1x10

BB Squat 5s %’s
113kg x3
131kg x3
148kg x3

BB Deadlift 5s %s
124kg x3
143kg x3
162kg x3

Reverse hypers off elevated bench - 10, 11,11
HLR - 2x12

Finisher x5 bike sprints, followed by about 20 mins recovery pace on bike

Had an inkling my daughter was going to be up early so stayed on the bike post lifting was also curious to see how it worked over a walk. Wasn’t as effective or enjoyable, I do quite like the walk in the light of day next to the canal whilst it’s still light enough in the mornings to do it. It is however an alternative. Got in a couple of miles walk in the afternoon taking the kids to the park.

High Frequency Project for Fat Loss, Workout 7
HLR 1x10

BB Floor Press TM setting
40kg x5
55kg x5
65kg x5
75kg x5
85kg x5
92.5kg x3

85kg - TM

Weighted Chins 20kg - 5x5
Banded kneeling tricep pushdowns black - 2x15
Rotator cuff x5 rehab sets

KB Swings x75 reps

Followed by 2.6 mile weighted vest walk

Both workouts fasted
Finding this is working, lifting is taking 25-35 mins including finisher so a bit longer than ES4FL which is fine. Having been either off or WFH since I’ve started I’ve had longer walks given I’ve not been particularly time constrained but back in the office 3 days next week so need to try and get through the workouts a bit quicker as the magic comes from the walk.

Feeling and looking leaner, will get a weigh in done at the mid point of this week.

Appetite has not been as vociferous as usual. Not hugely hungry which I put down to the more gentle in nature and volume of the workouts. Also not been as tired which has meant taking a little longer to fall asleep at night.


Easy Conditioning
4.5 mile run, steady state.
Back to enjoying these.


High Frequency Project for Fat Loss, Workout 8

HLR x0 - I forgot
BB Squat
113kg x5
131kg x5
148kg x5
155kg x1

Pallof Press purple band - 3x10 (each side)
Back Extensions 20kg - 3x12

The Chief WOD x1 3 min round
x3 KB Cleans 20kg
x6 pressups
x9 air squats

Followed by 1.7 mile weighted vest walk

Not sure if it’s training fasted or accumulation of squats but these aren’t moving quick. Got a single of 155kg in as I was getting setup for back extensions.
Weight belt and regular trousers belt both went up a notch today. Will get a weigh in done tomorrow morning if I remember.


High Frequency Project for Fat Loss, Workout 9

Seated BB OHP
53kg x5
60kg x3
67kg x1
73kg x1
80kg x1

BB Meadows Row - 25kg - 4x12 (each arm)
Poundstone curls 1.25kg per side x67

Followed by some swings, snatches and high pulls whilst wearing weighted vest, then into 2.25 mile walk.

Weighed in at 221.8lbs which is down 2lbs from pre holiday weight, happy with that in 1.5 weeks.


High Frequency Project for Fat Loss, Workout 10

BB Squat
113kg x3
131kg x3
148kg x3

BB Deadlift
143kg x3
162kg x3
181kg x1

Reverse Hypers - 3x10

x25 situps
x20 air squats
x15 pressups
x10 chins
x2 rounds
Followed by 25 mins on the bike

Second week in the bag, all workouts done fasted. Squats don’t seem to like being done fasted, I can see why Dan doesn’t recommend doing them in easy strength.


Easy Conditioning - 4.5 mile run, steady state

High Frequency Project for Fat Loss, Workout 10

HLR 1x10

Seated BB OHP
53kg x5
60kg x3
67kg x2 (forgot the brief)
74kg x1

Meadows row 25kg - 3x14 (each side)
Neck harness raises 15kg - 3x15
Poundstone curls 1.25kg a side x75
Rotator cuff rehab

Finisher - x25 20kg KB snatches each arm

Followed by 2.5 mile weighted vest walk


High Frequency Project for Fat Loss, Workout 12

HLR 1x10
BB Squat
131kg x5
148kg x3
165kg x1

Pallof press purple - 4x12 (each side)
Back extensions 20kg - 3x12

Finisher - tabata 20kg double KB front squats
Followed by 30 mins on bike recovery pace


High Frequency Project for Fat Loss, Workout 13

HLR 1x10
BB Floor Press
60kg x3
68kg x3
77kg x3
80kg x1
90kg x1

Weighted Chins 20kg - 5x5
Kneeling Banded Pushdowns Black - 2x15
4 sets of rotator cuff rehab

Finisher x80 KB Swings

Followed by 1.5 mile weighted vest walk and 20 mins on bike recovery pace


High Frequency Project for Fat Loss, Workout 14

SSB Squats
93kg x3
111kg x3
128kg x3

BB Deadlift
134kg x3
153kg x3
172kg x3

KB Deadlifts 32kg
KB Swings 24kg
Air Squats
x15 reps each, x2 rounds

Followed by 10 mins recovery on bike

My daughter was up for a while this morning post meds so only ended up with about 40 mins, decided to run SSB Squats on the Squat + Deadlift day to take some pressure off my back and the strategy seemed to have worked. Also about 40 mins into my commute today and realised I’ve left my food at home.