Home Shed Gym 5/3/1 - Focusing on the Iron


The joys of having a home gym I guess. I quite like my own company and the solitude of just being able to get in and get shit done.

I did pair the squat and bench and then giant set the accessory work which of course speeds things up.


Hard Conditioning
AM - Sprints, did a variety of lengths and worked up to some “top sets”. Fancied a change of scenery so just did a session on a rugby pitch in a park near me.

ABC Complex with 20kg bells, x21 in 5 mins - New PR.
Not done an ABC’s 5 minute AMRAP for about a year so to get a new PR is pretty wild. PR by 3 rounds as well, shows how much my conditioning must’ve come on.


Full Body 1000% Awesome, 3s week, Workout 2

BB Deadlift
132kg x5
150kg x5
169kg x5

Seated BB OHP 80% 62kg - 5x5

1 arm DB Flat Bench - 35kg - 2x10, drop set 21.5kg - x14 (each arm)
Chest Supported Swiss Bar Row 75kg - 12,11,11
Weighted Situp 20kg - 2x15

Daily Work
Pullaparts x60


Easy Conditioning 4.5 mile run steady pace

Full Body 1000% Awesome, 3s week, Workout 3

BB Squat
70% 118kg 1x5
75% 126kg 4x5

Swiss Bar Bench
67kg x5
76kg x5
86kg x5

Weighted Chins 10kg - 10,10,8
JM Press 40kg - 10,11,12
Weighted Back Extensions 20kg - 11,11,12

Got a few pullaparts in but didn’t count them.


Hard Conditioning + GAP
5 mins ABC Rounds AMRAP x21
Followed by tabata x4 alternating rounds of KB Swings and double KB front squats and remaining 4 rounds doing bike sprints. After 4 rounds of the swings and squats I quickly realised I’d bitten off more than I could chew.
Followed by
x1 set pushdowns AMRAP
Rotator Cuff Work x2 sets
Neck Harness Raises x2 sets
Donkey Calf Raises x2 sets AMRAP
Reverse Banded Crunches x2 sets AMRAP
Unbroken Empty BB Curls x63 (I think)

Absolutely smoked on the conditioning work, I had nearly 3 mins rest on the bike between the ABC and tabata work. Weight down another 1.6lbs, only weighing myself once per week as I don’t want to get obsessed about the scales again. I know it’s not a 100% accurate picture due to daily fluctuations but as long as I’m trending down I don’t care.


Nice work on the ABCs. Just gave them a shot this week and did 30min EMOM, 21 in 5 mins is crazy impressive.

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Full Body 1000% Awesome, 5s week, Workout 4

Squat 5s pro
107kg x5
126kg x5
143kg x5

Swiss Bar Bench 76kg 6x5

1 leg SLDL 32kg - 3x14 (each leg)
T Bar Row 70kg - 14, 16, 17
DB side Lateral Raise 11.25kg - 3x15

Got in some neck work and a fair few pullaparts.

@Stormblessed thank you. Any kind of work involving ABC’s is difficult. They’re fairly versatile for mixing in with other stuff for some extra suck


Hard Conditioning
X9 hill sprints followed by 1 mile recovery walk


Full Body 1000% Awesome, 5s week, Workout 5

BB Deadlift
122kg x5
141kg x5
160kg x5

Seated BB OHP 62kg - 5x5

Flat DB Bench 32.5kg - 11,11,10
Chest Supported Swiss Bar Row 75kg - 4x12
Weighted Situps 20kg - 3x15

Got in some pullaparts and face pulls as well


Easy Conditioning - 4.25 mile run, steady pace. Felt decent enough, would’ve gone for longer but had a meeting at a supplier in Essex which meant a 6.5 hour round trip

Full Body 1000% Awesome, 5s week, Workout 6

BB Squat 134kg 6x5
Swiss Bar Bench
62kg x5
71kg x5
81kg x5

JM Press 40kg - 4x12
Weighted Chins 10kg - 10,10,9
Weighted Back Extensions 20kg - 10,12,12

Hard Conditioning
Modified “Goop” WOD
8 rounds for time of
x2 ABC rounds
x1 Cindy Round
Done in 11:28

Followed by Gap Workout
Rotator Cuff work
1 arm pushdowns
Reverse banded crunches
DB shrugs
Donkey Calf Raises
Face Pull
EZ Curls
x2 rounds for reps

Followed by 20 min weighted vest walk, all done fasted.
Weighed in 228.4lbs so a 1.2lb drop which given the week I’ve had feels about right, not moved as much or been as consistent with my diet as I’d have liked.


That looks like a good but long workout.

Easy Conditioing
X1 hour on bike steady pace

Was planning on a run but I’ve got some random weird infection in my big toe which has swollen up pretty big.

@rugby_lifting not really, the hard conditioning and lifting bit was probably 30 mins tops in total including a few minutes on the bike between conditioning and lifting to get my heart rate back down.


Full Body 1000% Awesome, 1s week, Workout 7

BB Squat
126kg x5
143kg x5
160kg x5

Swiss Bar bench 76kg 7x5

T Bar Row 75kg - 3x15
Viking Press 45kg - 3x15
1 leg SLDL 32kg - 3x15 (each leg)

Bonus work
Pullaparts x loads
Neck x50
Rotator cuff x2 sets
Unbroken empty BB curls x78

Felt like I needed to get a shoulder focused pressing movement into the routine so adding the Viking press for a while.


Easy Conditioing
Planned a steady state pace run, got half a mile out and my toe was agony. Walked back and did about 35 mins on the bike.

Full Body 1000% Awesome, 1s week, Workout 8

BB Deadlift
141kg x5
160kg x5
179kg x5

Seated BB OHP 62kg 6x5

Weighted sit-ups 25kg - 14, 14, 12
Chest supported Swiss bar row 75kg - 3x12
Flat DB bench 32.5kg - 3x12

Had to get this in early, was up at 3 to do my daughters meds as she’s nil by mouth after 3am until her post operation to have her gall bladder out and a peg tube fitted.


Hard Conditioning

X6 pull-ups
X6 DB thrusters 11.5kg DB’s
X10 KB swings 28kg

X4 rounds in 7 mins followed by

Tabata alternating rounds between KB swings and thrusters

The first section was meant to be a 16 min AMRAP but it wasn’t working. The HLR’s for those reps were a sticking point and it was becoming a core workout so after 4 rounds switched to a tabata which definitely did the job. Not got long today as up the hospital soon. She must have passed the gallstone as the pre op ultrasound didn’t pick anything up which was a huge relief.


Great news, so no op needed then?

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No, we still had a peg tube fitted as it stands a chance that she will end up needing one as her disease progresses so best to get it done before it’s needed due to the inevitable wait times. Recovery for that op is a lot easier and quicker thankfully.

Full Body 1000% Awesome, 1s week, Workout 9

BB Squat 134kg - 6x5
Swiss Bar Bench
71kg x5
81kg x5
90kg x5

JM Press 42.5kg - 10,11,11,10
Weighted Chins
10kg - 2x10
15kg x6
17.5kg x6

Weighted Back Extensions 20kg - 12,14,14

Got in some pullaparts and Face Pulls

First block of 1000% Awesome done, TM’s being increased by 2kg lower body and 1kg upper body lifts. This weeks lifts have felt pretty solid. The line of pus I had in my toe has drained so hopefully be back to running tomorrow.


Hope it all went well then.


Hard Conditioning
x8 hill sprints followed by 1 mile recovery walk.

@rugby_lifting thanks, it has to be honest. She’s doing unexpectedly well on the recovery front