Home Shed Gym 5/3/1 - Focusing on the Iron

Nope, for me I don’t know a better way, I do it exactly the same albeit I tend use KB’s as the plates hitting the ground don’t interfere with my ROM

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Omg i just saw this, hahhaa. I can’t believe somebody tried something i mentioned in my log!
This makes me probably a lot more excited than it should, hahaha.

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@Spock81 i aim to please and always happy to give credit where it’s due. It’s been a nice change for the split squats to go front foot elevated.

2 miles something weighted vest walk in the pissing rain.

80 mins of rugby, shit game for us. I struggled getting into it, didn’t enjoy it one bit. Need to try just make myself available for 2nd team games as not training and only playing every 6 weeks isn’t a great combination.

As I was pissed off with my performance yesterday had a burning desire to lift, lot of running yesterday so squats out the question which leaves me with bench.

Swiss bar bench
74kg x5
83kg x5
93kg x5
69kg 10x5

Chins 12.5kg - 2x9
BW - 3x12

Banded Good Mornings green - 3x15
Banded crunches - 2x20
Side lateral raise 11.5kg - 3x15
Pushdowns - 3x15

Daily work
Pullaparts x50
Curls x30
Neck x40

Bit sore in a few places hence backing off on the accessory work a bit.


Easy Conditioning
45 mins steady state running did 4.9 miles, got a bit lost on a short cut which went down a dark locked alleyway so lost some time there


First thing this morning on empty stomach - 2 mile 20kg weighted vest walk

Couple of hours later
Boring but Strong Week six, workout 22, 1s week

SSB Squats
107kg x5
122kg x5
136kg x5
100kg 13x5

Incline Bench SST
60kg x5
70kg x5
79kg x5

1 arm DB Floor Press 30kg - 4x12 (each arm)
1 arm Banded Lat Pulldown - 2x20, 1x26 (each arm)
HLR - 10,12,11,11

Daily Work
Pullaparts x60
Neck x45
Calves x30
Pushdowns x30
Unbroken Empty BB Curls x61

Every squat set after the initial 5 set hurt, I don’t mean in an injury kind of way just the soul sucking way that a challenging squat session hurts. Did feel like an accomplishment getting this finished when I wanted to quit after the 5/3/1 sets were done never mind all the supplemental volume. Swapped the single leg work out for core work as my knee felt a bit jarry (yes I know that’s not a word) still think I’m feeling Saturday’s game in my legs, probably not helped by a near 5 mile run yesterday in hindsight. Squats do seem to be sucking just generally and I don’t feel like I’m making any progress on the SSB, do keep thinking about moving back to BB squats after a 2 plus year absence


Way to go!

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That’s is a lot for the body. Make sure you get your recovery in as well but keep smashing the great work!!!

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Yesterday x8 hill sprints followed by short recovery walk

Boring but Strong Week six, workout 23, 1s week

Seated BB OHP
50kg x5
56kg x5
63kg x5
46kg 10x5

Chest Supported Swiss Bar Row 70kg - 5x12
Front Foot Elevated Split Squat 14kg - 12,15,15 (each leg)
Weighed Vest Pressups 10kg - 16,14
Weighted Vest Situps 10kg - 2x15
1 arm pushdown - 1x28

Daily Work
Pullaparts x55
Calves x60


Boring but Strong Week six, workout 24, 1s week

BB Deadlift
124kg x5
140kg x5
157kg x5
116kg 10x5

DB 1 arm Bench:
30kg x10
37.5kg - 3x8
24kg x20
(each arm) Not making any progress on these, time to swap out

Face Pull - 2x25
BB Curls 50kg - 8,9,10
Pallof Press - 2x20 (each side)
Lying Single Leg Curls - 20,26 (each side)
Neck x55

End of 1’s week and this cycle, next cycle all the supplemental volume goes up to 80% so it’s gonna be tough. All TM’s increased by 1kg upper and 2kg lower body.


Boring but Strong Week seven, workout 25, 5s week

Swiss Bar Bench
64kg x5
74kg x5
84kg x5
79kg 10x5

Weighted Chins 12.5kg - 8, 9, 9, 9, 8

BB Back Squats
60kg x5
70kg x5
80kg x5

HLR - 2x15
Side Lateral raise 11.5kg x19
Pushdown x25

Daily work
Pullaparts x55
Neck x50
Curls x35
Calves x40

Felt the step up in intensity this morning with the supplemental volume more challenging. Feeling it out a bit with the barbell back squats, felt very strange and first time I’ve done them in about 2 years, thinking about swapping out the SSB for them after this template and subsequent anchor.


Yesterday x8 hill sprints followed by recovery run/walk

Boring but Strong Week seven, workout 26, 5s week

SSB Squats:
94kg x5
108kg x5
122kg x5
115kg 10x5

BB Incline Bench
47kg x10
56kg x10
66kg x10

1 arm DB Floor Press 32.5kg - 2x10 (each arm)
1 arm Lat Pulldown banded - 2x15 (each arm)
Banded Crunches 1x38

Daily Work
Pullaparts x50
Neck x30
Pushdown x35
Unbroken Empty BB Curls x62

Hard work, as anticipated. I’m having to will myself to get the squats done, it’s the only part of this template I’m hating which means I probably need it. However, after about 4 sets into the supplemental work it did suddenly get easier so the last 6 sets ended up being pretty good.


Yesterday, easy conditioning - 4.5 miles in 40 mins

Boring But Strong Week seven, workout 27, 5s week

Seated BB OHP:
44kg x5
50kg x5
57kg x5
54kg 10x5

Chest Supported Swiss Bar Row 75kg - 5x10
Weighted Vest Pressups 10kg + Red band - 14,12
Front Foot Elevated Split Squat 14kg - 12, 17, 16 (each leg)

Daily Work
Pullaparts x60
Pushdowns x25
Core x15
Calves x45


1st thing, fasted - just over 2 miles weighted vest walk

Boring But Strong Week seven, workout 28, 5s week

BB Deadlift:
109kg x5
125kg x5
142kg x5
134kg 10x5

DB Incline Bench 32.5kg - 4x12
Pallof Press - 12,15 (each side)
Face Pull - 1x30
BB Curls 50kg - 1x10
Lying Leg Curls - 1x16

Daily Work
Pullaparts x20
Neck x65
Pushdowns x20

First week of last cycle complete, the 80% supplemental work has been tough obviously it’s supposed to be. Deadlifts faltered a bit 8/9 sets deep but last set went well enough. Also felt a bit weird today doing bilateral DB presses, first time in a while.


Boring But Strong Week eight, workout 29, 3s week

Swiss Bar Bench
69kg x5
79kg x5
89kg x5
BBS 79kg 10x5


BB Back Squat
70kg x5
80kg x5
90kg x5

Weighted chins 12.5kg - 10, 10, 8, 8

Lateral raise x0
Pushdowns x0
HLR x0

Daily work
Pullaparts x50
Neck x45
Curls x0
Calves x0

Bit of a disturbed night with both the younger girls getting up at various points, I ended up getting up later than I wanted to so knew I’d be pressed for time time. Got just over 40 mins but knocked out the main lift and accessories in that time. If I get time later will run a WOD to get some more accessory work in.

Went to a former colleagues retirement do from my old company Friday night, saw a load of guys I used to work closely with but not seen since prior to Covid. Those I’d not seen for a while didn’t recognise me as the last time we’d been together was when working away and I was getting on for 19 stone, couldn’t believe the shape I’m in now which was quite nice feedback as it’s not something I’m mindful of to be honest.


Conditioning and accessory work:

3 rounds for time
X21 KB swings 28kg
X9 1 arm standing KB press 20kg each side 1 set then 2 sets with 24kg bell

Followed by
Bayesian curls 2x15 each arm med black band
Pushdown 2x10 thick green band

All work done inside 10 mins


Hard conditioning x8 hill sprints, around a mile recovery walk. Tough going for whatever reason today felt like my lungs just couldn’t adapt.


Boring But Strong Week eight, workout 30, 3s week

SSB Squat
101kg x5
115kg x5
130kg x5
115kg 10x5

Incline Bench SST
56kg x10
66kg x8
75kg x6

1 arm DB floor press 32.5kg - 1x8 (each side) pulled up early as my shoulder felt buggy
Banded crunches thick band - 3x15
1 arm Lat pulldown thick band - 14.17

Daily work
Pullaparts x55
Neck x50
Unbroken empty BB curls x66
Pushdowns x25

Best thing about squat day - finishing and not having to do it for another week.


Easy conditioning - 4 miles steady state running around 9 minute miles


Boring But Strong Week eight, workout 31, 3s week

Seated BB OHP
47kg x5
54kg x5
60kg x5
54kg 10x5

Chest supported Swiss Bar Row 80kg - 10,9,9,8
Front foot elevated split squat 14kg DB’s - 3x15 (each leg)
10kg Weighted vest + light band press-ups - 17,16

Daily work
Pullaparts x60
Pushdowns x30
Calves x40
Core x30


Boring But Strong Week eight, workout 32, 3s week

BB Deadlift
117kg x5
134kg x5
150kg x5
134kg 10x5
Alternating between mixed and double overhand grip each set

DB incline bench press 35kg - 5x10
Face pull thick green band - 10, 15
BB curls 50kg - 1x11
Palloff press thick green band - 2x15
Lying 1 leg curl - 0

Daily work
Neck x70

Smoked but satisfied, those BBS sets seemed to get easier after each set weirdly. End of 3s week and thinking about 1s week and the end of the leader template, just need to think about what anchor to follow up with