Hit a Nerve During Injection

So i did my 4th shot lsat night. Into my left glute. I did the whole, split it half way down the center, and half way across, and injected in the upper outter quadrant. and when I injectied it was fine, but when I pressed a little bit harder to really burry the needle. (its a 1in) I felt a little shocking feeling like I hit a nerve.

So iv tried to measure using the pinky and thumb method from my crack to my check and looked in the mirror and tried to really see where Im supose to inject. so I def got in in the right spot.

I seem to be getting pretty close to the bottom of my hip bone when I measure. So if I move the injection site down and out a little. Am I still going to be anywhere near the siatitc? nerve. or any other places.

For this injection when I felt the nerve from pushing down on the needle, I just pulled back a little and injected right there… my PIP is really bad… all my other ones have went well… just this one hurts pretty damn bad.

Thoughts, Ideas, Advice?

-Thank you.

The most obvious tip: avoid that spot. Beyond that, keep i mind that you don’t have to bury that needle as deep as it will go. Way more meat than nerve back there, so its not likely that it will happen again. Just avoid that exact same spot.

It happens. Shouldn’t be anything to worry about. To avoid that in the future, pin somewhere else. You could also go SQ, as many of us here do.

How much are you injecting at once and how often ?
Quads are much easier to self inject while you are sitting down.

I use 29g .5 1ml slin pins to inject my delts…by far the easiest. most pain
free place of all.

There are risks to that type of injection and you need to be a contortionist to see what you are doing.

Inject SC in belly or leg fat, see these stickies:

  • advice for new guys
  • protocol for injections

You have 7 or 8 different threads, so there is no context to offer more advice. You need one thread!