Never kept a log before and not really a fan of them, but work and home have been getting more and more chaotic and I would like to keep a log so I can see how consistent I’m being and try not to let my life get in the way of my training. So I’ll try and keep this log updated everyday…
Drank large glass of milk, mixed with a cup of egg whites and a banana.
Large bowl of whole oats, 1 scoop Grow! Whey, 1 cup of coffee
10:30 FINiBAR, 2 scoops Metabolic Drive mixed with water.
11:30- 12:30 Train
1:00pm Tuna on whole grain wheat, spinach, tomatoes, avocado Apple juice
3:30pm Beef Jerkey and Surge Recovery
6:00pm Chicken Breast, spinach, grapes, sunflower seeds Milk and raw egg whites.
9:00pm 2 scoops of grow and a greek yogurt.
I. Squat: set of 8, set of 6, set of 5, set of 4, set of 3
II. Leg Curls: 4 sets. Reps start at 8 and work way down to 4
III. Calves: Calf raises 5 sets. Reps start at 10 and go down to 4
IV. Chest and back: Bench/ Barbell Rows 3 sets of 15
V. Shoulders and abs: Cable raises/ Leg lifts… 4 sets of 15
Per the titan training system I should have done 3 sets of 15 with bi’s and tri’s superset after shoulder and abs. But I ate and drank to close to my workout and was feeling pretty naucious throught the workout then during exercise group V. I began regerjutating my preworkout meal and decided to stop there. My arms are the quickest to respond to stimulation so i don’t mind skipping out on bi’s and tri’s for my first workout on this system.
The supersetting and short rest periods during TTS was pretty brutal, had me feeling like I was doing cardio, but it was a nice change. Really requires a lot of focus.