Today I began a new journey. I know that the hard core guys on here won’t agree with my decision - but I ask you to respect the fact that we all do what we think is best for each of us.
Two doctors agreed that I needed TRT in high enough doses to counteract the high SHBG. One suggested I consider all methods of delivery while one believed that injection sub-q TWICE per week was the only way.
I know myself and my weaknesses – I don’t see myself continuing to give injections twice a week for the rest of my life. Whether it be lazy, stupid or any other adjective – I know I wouldn’t do it.
Since I travel a lot, I also realized that I didn’t want to travel to and from the 3 countries where I spend most of my time carrying syringes and vials of medicine … even with a valid prescription.
I decided to look at other methods of delivery. I read about creams/gels/topicals as well as the dangers of others coming into contact with it and decided that was a no go.
I looked into patches, but learned that the patch delivery was difficult to gauge because of absorption through the skin problems that vary from person to person. Other side effects also made me drop that idea.
That left me with pellet therapy – BioTE and TestoPel. I read about TestoPel but was not impressed with the reviews and experiences posted, as well as the side effects that many experienced.
I didn’t find any negative experience reports on BioTE. I liked what I read about the product; the method of delivery; and BioTE being a more natural product than TestoPel. I also liked the fact that more and more doctors were becoming certified to administer BioTE.
I chose a local doctor that was certified with BioTE. I had my consultation and dumped 9 years of blood results on him, giving him a 30 minute run-down on my situation before allowing him to talk. I’m exaggerating a bit, but I’m sure you get the point. I knew what I have and what I need to accomplish.
He admitted that I was the first to come to him with my unique circumstances – out of a few thousand insertions that he had performed. But he didn’t shy away from my concerns which impressed me. He told me that he wasn’t sure how well this was going to work but that he would call the president of BioTE and ask for suggestions on my situation.
A few days later, he followed up with the results of that conversation and a plan was developed. I was happy with the answers he provided and arranged for today’s appointment.
In less than 15 minutes, pellets were injected/inserted (whatever you call it) into the skin above my right butt cheek. There was no pain - although tomorrow might be different! For 3 days, NO lifting. And for 7 days, “take it easy” and stay off ladders, doing squats, etc.
In 30 days, I go back with new lab tests to see what is happening. It is possible that I will need additional pellets in 30 days if the numbers haven’t improved. Finding the amount that will be needed to overcome my very-hungry SHBG will be a trial-and-error situation.
I will also need to add a new supplement - DIM - to my daily intake. The DIM is supposed to help prevent too much T from being converted into Estrogen.
The goal is to get 6 months out of the pellets before getting a new batch inserted.
It has taken me a long time (more than 2 years) to get to this point. Today is DAY ONE of my (hopefully!) road to recovery.