High T, FSH, SHBG, Low E2 No Libido. My Lab Results (pellets)

My last update was June 10, and today is August 20, 2021. I’ll be getting blood drawn next week and will see what has changed since my clomid experiment ended.

DRUMROLL: Daily Cialis has been a game changer.

Middle of the night erections are strong enough to hammer nails. Mental (and visual) stimulation producing solid erections. This is quite a change. I had experimented with Cialis, Viagra and others – but never a small-dose daily-regimen.

I have increased my iron supplementation slightly trying to see if that helps with the being cold. It seems to be better but I need a jacket in most aircon restaurants.

I feel as though I have gained FAT at my mid-section (belly and not-so-loved handles). I don’t blame that on food intake - I think it is exercise laziness.

I will visit with my doctor again after the blood results are in, however I do not expect to make any changes. I’m far from feeling “perfect” but I think I have found a happy middle ground.

I was vaccinated in Feb & March against Covid and plan to get the booster shot soon. If someone could only make that go away. I haven’t seen my wife, home, or dogs since January 2020 – and I won’t see them until sometime in 2022.

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