High T, FSH, SHBG, Low E2 No Libido. My Lab Results (pellets)

Yes, boron made a difference, evidenced by labs. But if you have HIGHER SHBG than me, you are wasting your time IMO. The best boron currently on the market (from my research) is here (Vitamin & Protein Supplements - My Experiences - #35 by traveling-man).

The ONLY thing that worked was Danazol. From what I read on these boards, you won’t hear much of Danazol from Defy. You should also read this post I made (High T, FSH, SHBG, Low E2 No Libido. My Lab Results (pellets) - #63 by traveling-man) … as it gives my opinion about “woulda-shoulda-coulda”.

I’m a lone wolf here … aka devil’s advocate. You won’t find much support for my choices - which is great, because it will give you an opposing opinion.

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