Hello all!
After discovering this forum and read a lot, i would appreciate it if you wanne have a look to my situation and feedback with some opinions.
First some info:
I’m 43 years old and from the Netherlands ( so my Englisch writing is not that good ).
Training for 7 years. Last 2 years i changed thinks up. bodyweight was 106 kilo. Cut down to 75 ( realy low bodyfat ) en last half year "lean bulked " back to 82 kilos.
The last two years my lifestyle is realy healthy. Food is on point, training on point, no smoking and very little alchol.
From my puberty till now i suffer from depression and anxiety. Allways had medication for it ( all sorts of SSRI’s ). Now i’m 4 years on escitalopram and pregabaline.
I have always sufferd from periods with low energy and bad sleeping. Also no sexdrive at all. But always blamed it to my depression and anxiaty.
Because my liver values are always a little bit high i check them ones a year.
My coach said that i had to check my testosteron, to see where i was standing.
So i did ( in the Netherlands lokal doctors dont do that often because they can not do anything about it ).
Here are the results:
Ureum and ALAT are little bit high. Dokter said that it was no big problem.
Totel test is very low but within the values.
Free test is very low and outside the values.
SHBG is high but inside the values.
FSH and LH are also low but within the values.
The big question for my is what to do about it.
Is trt the answer or is there something else going on. And what is the influence of the medication to this story.
Problem is that in the Netherland TRT is something housedokters ignore. They dont wanne do anything with it.
My doctor is willing to send my to a internist. But i know that they also don’t do anything about it. My total t is whitin values and that is the only thing they look at.
But how do you people interpret my bloodtest?
Would appreciate your thoughts.