Hi guys and thanks for reading,
I ve read a lot on the internet and it might be here I ve learned the most, so I decided to ask you for advices.
I ll try to keep it short and simple :
I ve turned 27 last month, Im 5’5 142lbs 12%
I m lifting 4 times a week for few years now, eating very healthy, no alcohol or any drugs, but I dont really looks like I lift !
I m always tired, I sleep bad and wake up exhausted, no libido…
I got some blood works done last year, my total T is high, but my SHBG is very high so my free T is very low, below “lowest normal value”
my doctor send me to an endocrinologist,
This one agree there s a problem but they dont know how to fix it,
Moreover he can’t /doesnt want to put me on trt because in France free t doesn’t count and doesn’t need to be dosed… only total t worth it, even if he agrees with me it’s totally dumb.
I ve tried lot of things to low the shbg but it’s expensive and ineffective (meditation, herbal, EPS, stinging needle root…)
I m going to go on my own on TRT and ask him, at least, to check my health via bloodworks during the year.
My question is, I was thinking of doing Blast and Cruise, where cruise would be the TRT dosages and Blast some other anabolic compounds.
Whats ur opinions on this dosages ?
Cruise : Test E or Cyp 200mg 1/week
Blast : Should I keep Test at 200mg or rise it ?
Was thinking of 500-700mg of primobolan or 200mg deca + 50-100mg anavar ?
For the anti aromatase / protection, I would need some help, do I need something during both phases (Nolva, tamoxi, anastrozole, arimidex…)?
Thanks for ur advices