My doc put me on test. e because low free t…After 4 days on testosterone enanthate i feel really depressed and tired, low sex drive and my nipples itching like hell!!!any suggestions? Thanks
Before test
1.testosterone 27.28 (8.64-29.0)
2.low free testosteron 27.43 (33.8-106)
3.high Shbg - 96 (14-47)
4. High normal TSH (4)
Ft4 -12.4 (11.5-22.7)
Ft3 5.50 (2.3-6.3)
HGH 0.5 (<7. 41) - really low
IGF-1 15.7 (7.4-31.3)
Cortisol - 8am 714 (171-536)
E2- 128 nmol/l (99-192)
HCG <0.1 (0-2.6)
Vitamin D 59.8 nmol/l (>75) -low
High shbg, borderline high Tsh , low hgh, low free t…
I’m skinny guy , I lost lot of muscle mass because I have digestion problems (sibo) …poor digestion , lack of sleep, constipation … before my first injection i didn’t feel depressed at all - but after injection this is really strong depression - no motivation for anything,brain fog,sexdrive -zero!!!
Telling me your doctor put you on TRT basically tells me nothing, please describe your protocol in detail, not in mL, but in mgs. It sounds like your receiving poor care, you should be injecting 60-70mg twice weekly. Large injections will cause problems with estrogen production, you may need to lower the dosage.
Those with low functioning thyroid will feel worse when starting TRT, don’t expect good results when thyroid function is low. TSH being high is indicating a thyroid problem, when TSH is 2.5, doctor should suspect thyroid problems developing.
You need Reverse T3 and antibodies tested, it might help explain high TSH. T3 thyroid medicine will be needed if Reverse T3 is confirmed high. T4 only treatment will only feed more Reverse T3 which blocks Free T3 from entering your cells. Cortisol levels are way to high.
Are you on an aromatase inhibitor/estrogen blocker?
testosterone enanthate 350mg - once on week:( He wanted to prescribed me low dose Proviron after 2 weeks on injection…
Exactly what I thought, this doctor has no business prescribing testosterone! You need test enanthate 60-70mg twice weekly and .5mg arimidex twice weekly taken at the time of injections.
Systemlord thanks a lot!!
Because iI already have Proviron is it necessary to take Arimidex or I can take low dose Proviron?
Is it Arimidex hard on liver? Will Arimidex lower my shbg levels? I ask because Arimidex is aromatase inhibitor…any suggestions for lower my Tsh levels naturaly, suplements? Thanks a lot
To lower TSH, you need thyroid medication, this will raise SHBG. You have no choice because thyroid function is low, you can throw more testosterone at the SHBG to lower it.
Thanks systemlord!!*
after one week of test e 70mg/ ariimidex 0.5 twice per week my nipples still itching, feeling tired all the time, disturbing sleep- i wake up 3am every morning - is this normal …how much time it takes too feel better…maybe 0.25 every day instead 0.5 twice weekly?
Testosterone can cause itchy nipples, it’s not always estrogen. It takes 6 weeks for blood testosterone to reach a stable state, you should start feeling better by this time with significant improvements within 6 month and continuing for years provided you dosages isn’t too high.
Do not play around with the Arimidex or you will pay for it! Labs using the sensitive estrogen test is the only way to guide on dosing for AI’s, the standard estrogen test (for women) can overstate estrogen if you get a high reading. Then you overdose on a false reading and crash your estrogen levels that can take months to recover.
Then there goes the rest of what’s left of your summer.
Systemlord thanks for your help, I appreciate.
Test e 70mg twice weekly
One more question please- hcg -
is it necessary in my case?
I forgot to mention- my fsh 2.98 (1.5-12.4) , lh 6.50 (1.7-8.6)…
Unless you care about fertility or if your testicles are pulled up tight, then no. I’m not on HCG and testilcles hang slightly less than normal provided estrogen isn’t high. When estrogen is high testicles pull up tight.
Your LH is likely almost zero, which could recover if you stopped TRT, there’s no good reason to recover because SHBG will just ruin your day again binding up your testosterone.
What a mess…last night l took 0.3-0.4mg Arimidex- HUGE MISTAKE …and I crashed my estrogen ( aching in joints, no erection, depression,dry lips and skin…) I feel miserable -like shit!!! Classic low e symptoms with only 0.30 - 0.4mg arimidex …is this possible?
Obviously my E2 is way too low now. What now? How long to recover from crashed estrogen- with test but without AI? What to took? This is not for me…too many mistakes…I’m to sensitive obviously maybe because high shbg…
Any suggestions? Thanks
I told you this would happen, I guess guys just have to learn from their mistakes. It could take weeks or months to recover. It could take longer for joints to fully heal.
You have to allow the test to build up in your system, estrogen hadn’t even found a new level yet when you took the AI. You may need to order custom compounded doses of Arimidex from compounding pharmacies since you are an AI over-responder.
Who’s to say you even needed an AI to begin with? Usually you determine this 6 weeks after starting TRT together with labs and symptoms. You can’t determine anything within the first 6 weeks as levels are in flux.
Thanks for your help…I really appreciate that. After five days I began to feel better…
Wrong alarm - because similar symptoms of low and high estradiol I make mistake…sorry, I didn’t crash my estrogen levels… Today I recieved results of the estradiol levels - HUGE E2 411 pmol/l (94-223), shbg is now 62(11-47), i didn’ t receive free test and total test, maybe next week…how is that possible, huge estradiol levels but, on Arimidex I feel like I died , really really awfull feeling?!.. How to lower estradiol levels but without arimidex:) and what now? Why is my e2 sky- rocket after one injection of test e and small dose arimidex…is this normal?
Many thanks
You have high aromatase activity meaning you convert a lot of testosterone to estrogen. This is why you don’t feel well, by our scales that’s 111.9 pg/ml. I felt miserable at 70 so I can only imagine how you feel. The reason why you may feel bad is your estrogen probably dropped quickly after taking the AI, being as high as it is a drastic change in levels could be what you felt… We don’t have the full picture without Total T and Free T.
You’ll just have to tough it out and give it time.
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Thanks man…really helpful information!!
Next week I will put test and free test levels.
High aromatase activity - what causes this? Liver issues maybe ( but my alt , ast , ggt all normal) , BMD , fat mass ( I’m skinny guy)or something else? How to prevent quickly drop with arimidimex - with ultra small dose or with weaker AI? Or something else ( dim, i3c, cdg)??
Are you fat? Liver fucked up?
If your answer to either is YES, then you need to fix that first.
Your SHBG is high, stop fucking with AI, it will only bring you problems.
What is your current protocol and corresponding labs?
Your welcome,
Normally high body fat increases aromatase activity which is my case, I wouldn’t be surprised if there are genetic freaks out there (no pun intended) who are lean and have high aromatase activity.
Liver issues can affect liver clearance of excess estrogen, so if your liver isn’t clearing it out that might be one explanation. You are showing very high SHBG and that’s because of the liver, when liver tissue is damaged SHBG increases. Diets low in protein and heavy in veggies will increase SHBG, something to consider.
Thyroid problems slows down every cell in your body and your TSH is high, so your bodies processes are slowed down and not functioning optimally.
I just have to ask. Where did you read about vegetables increasing SHBG?
I have never read that. Low protein increases SHBG. Keto Increases it. Certain Foods…
But ive never read that lots of vegetables will increase SHBG. Not sure where this came from.
I accidently left out low protein and a diets heavy in veggies, my bad. Just took my first AI dosage a feeling…
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The results I found while quickly looking indicated that fiber CAN increase SHBG. So, veggies in excess would give you that fiber, and hence, potentially increase SHBG.
I think the low protein, which in turn, decreases IGF, is what actually increases SHBG more.
Higher IGF-1, lower SHBG.
Milk, and protein increase IGF. So does TRT.