Hi guys!
I recently got these bloods, and I’m concerned about my TSH and e2 levels. There are also other issues (LDL, HDL, hematocrit etc.) but they are relatively easy to deal with.
These are the full results:
highlights: pretty high total T and free T, but high e2 and TSH while T3/T4 are normal.
I’m only on test (200mg/week, will probably lower it by a bit to sit around 1100) and HCG, and not experiencing any high e2 symptoms (and have had high e2 for years). I do have some anastrozole that I’m considering trying. I’m more worried about my TSH, which has been high for about a year now (it used to be high 4 years ago then settled for whatever reason, now it’s up again). I had some really bad symptoms that I believe are thyroid related, where I felt a lump in my throat and I would wake up choking because my airways got blocked when falling asleep. That lasted for a fun week or two and is better now but I obviously want my TSH back to normal. Considering the normal T3/T4, what should I do? I’m going to see an endo when I get back home but unfortunately my traveller’s insurance (abroad for 2 more months) will not cover it, and it’s super expensive (cali).