hey guys i know i might get flamed for this but ill ask anyways. I am in high school currently and have to eat meals in class and such. Not really during class but like in the halls ill down a shake really quick and at lunch i eat a fuckload off food. so there this kid. Hes 140 pounds, fat as fuck, cant run a mile whose always making fun of me. Hes always calling me a fatass and making jokes about how much i eat. Granted im not ripped with a 6 pack or anything but im a great deal stronger then most in my grade and i dont have my gut sticking out of my shirt. I just getting sick of it. All my friends are telling me just to approach him and beat him till he cant get up.
Well i wanted your guys opinions. i know i can kill him but i dont want to get suspended from school or anything. What would you Do?
thanks for the reply Derek. i not planning on fighting him but im just getting sick of taking his crap. he even gets in my face sometimes and im so tempted to just kill him.
[quote]jtownlax wrote:
thanks for the reply Derek. i not planning on fighting him but im just getting sick of taking his crap. he even gets in my face sometimes and im so tempted to just kill him.[/quote]
I was your age once (man I hate saying that), but its the truth. I would have and did get in many fights, but that was 20 years ago. Shit has changed, now they want to put you in alternative school and label you a retard if you fight. Not worth it.
Be smarter than him, he is playing you. Ignore him and work on yourself, with time he will be left behind and you will be a better person.
Now if you can get his fat ass all alone in the woods, then by the Lord almighty whoop his ass.
[quote]jtownlax wrote:
thanks for the reply Derek. i not planning on fighting him but im just getting sick of taking his crap. he even gets in my face sometimes and im so tempted to just kill him.[/quote]
I was your age once (man I hate saying that), but its the truth. I would have and did get in many fights, but that was 20 years ago. Shit has changed, now they want to put you in alternative school and label you a retard if you fight. Not worth it.
Be smarter than him, he is playing you. Ignore him and work on yourself, with time he will be left behind and you will be a better person.
Now if you can get his fat ass all alone in the woods, then by the Lord almighty whoop his ass. [/quote]
IH I got one kid left in HS, you have no idea.[/quote]
I weighed 145 when i graduated HS. I was a skinny bastard, so it’s hard to imagine someone being 140 and fat. I believe you, though.[/quote]
You forget that a lot of schools have removed PE and most kids today do not go build forts and climb trees. Basically they do NO physical activity at all. Very plausible to have kids with no muscle tone or that of an AIDS victim. Plus OP probably is not guessing weight correctly.
i dont know his weight exactly but he is pretty fat. he got pinned un 85 pounds while benching in gym class. he smokes a lot of weed and thinks hes hot shit. id knock him out in 1 punch. i just cant get myself suspended. every time i say meet me at the park or something he says i cant get in trouble the court system is after me or something stupid. its just getting out of control.
IH I got one kid left in HS, you have no idea.[/quote]
I weighed 145 when i graduated HS. I was a skinny bastard, so it’s hard to imagine someone being 140 and fat. I believe you, though.[/quote]
You forget that a lot of schools have removed PE and most kids today do not go build forts and climb trees. Basically they do NO physical activity at all. Very plausible to have kids with no muscle tone or that of an AIDS victim. Plus OP probably is not guessing weight correctly. [/quote]
I’m glad i’m not a kid anymore… age-wise, that is.
The young male psyche is virtually incapable of dealing with this form of abuse: His spynchter muscles will go into ‘beat-box’ mode OR he’ll punch you (which will mean you can quite legitimately smash the crap out of him) OR worst case scenario, he’ll attempt to bum-rape right behind the bike sheds.
Since when do fat kids get to bully people? Anyhow I would recommend not beating him up. It’ll lead to a lot of hassle possibly with the Police. If you break his nose or knock out a tooth, you can bet his parents will expect yours to pay and they in turn will make you pay for repairs.
Verbal humiliation is better. Harder to prove and people in high school have very fragile psyches. If girls are around all the better. Don’t seek him out but stand up for yourself at all times. Hitting people is for last resorts or in the ring.
Stop being a pussy and make the fucker choke on his own blood and teeth.
Or, next time he calls you out: throw your shake in his face, knock his books out of his hands, shove him into a locker, spit on his books and say next time you are going to knife him in his fat fucking throat.
You will then have a ten second window to make out with the nearest dime piece (HS bitches love shit like that) before getting slapped with a detention for throwing your drink in his face. But detentions don’t mean shit so that’s a non-issue.
Next time he calls you fat. Stop look at him for a few seconds (so others have a chance to ease drop) and then in a confident sort of way say “I guess it takes one to know one”.
If you do this right it could be devastating. Like, whole carton of Schweddy Balls devastating.
he doesnt think hes fat because he doesnt eat anything. while i eat my tuna and sunflower seeds hes making fun of me for eating food while he scarfes down a bagel and cream cheese which he thinks is healthy. Im at the end of my line. I just want to beat him up in front of everyone till he cries then rip his shirt off him and let everyone see just how “healthy he is”
[quote]Tex Ag wrote:
Or you could go old school on him.
Next time he calls you fat. Stop look at him for a few seconds (so others have a chance to ease drop) and then in a confident sort of way say “I guess it takes one to know one”.
If you do this right it could be devastating. Like, whole carton of Schweddy Balls devastating.[/quote]