Just wondering how some one might incorporate DE days into a high frequency training routine. I’ve always had great success with higher frequency training, but feel that I begin to loose the explosiveness needed to be great. I feel that adding a DE would be a great solution. Any thoughts?
read up on the conjugate method
Posted this in another thread, it is pretty relevant for this one as well:
This is not going to work. You are working on way too many skills at once. With the volume and frequency required for Smolov, there is no way in hell you are going to be rested enough to properly do DE work. If you want to continue the way you are training but put some speed into your lifts, I would make several suggestions:
-Block your training- Keep doing your normal smolov stuff until you get a couple weeks out from the meet. Drop the higher reps and volumes and work strictly on speed with singles. The last three weeks or so of your training could now be a “westside” template. Now you have completely seperated the sport skills you are training for. There are residual training effects that will carryover into the meet from all of the previous strength work you have done. Switching over to pure speed work will enhance the training effects of your previous skill emphasis (strength) and maximize your ability to display your motor potential at the competition while performing the competition exercises (squat, bench, and deadlift). This final speed development phase is also called a “Realization Block.”
-Limit the eccentric stress of all your squats and benches- Basically dive bomb your squats/benches and push them to completion as fast as possible. If you go to slow, you are not targeting the proper working mechanisms for developing strength. Basically, the slower you go, the more time you have under tensions, the more you work the mechanisms that trigger hypertrophy. Which is not a bad thing and will make you stronger. But, the faster you move the weight, the more you develop the elastic and friction (contractile) mechanisms of muscles which is how maximum strength is developed.
This is the only way any of these high frequency and volume programs could possibly work.