Thanks Massive…
Regarding my balls…well i was assuming with my test levels pretty average that my balls even though slightly smaller than usual would be fine. They are slowly coming back but i was considering doing some HCG again. Im just concerned as i heard that too much HCG can desensitize the leydig cells (more at high dosages). And since I did it about 2 months ago would it be safe to do it again…and at what dosages, for how long?
Dont plan on using Nolva for months
…will do it for 3 weeks then at the end of the month get another blood test done to check the my oestrogen levels. I went today to get some testosterone boosting supplements to help get me back on track.
Also I know the rule is - time on = time off. How does this work if ive done the test taper that was like 24 weeks. Do I have to wait 24 weeks to go on another cycle?? that would be a bummer.
[quote]MassiveGuns wrote:
[quote]cybercom8 wrote:
I never do Ab shots anyway
Unless its HGH but thats subcutaneous.
as far as IM Ab shots are concerned…the only time ive actually done that was with VitB12…not juice so its fine for that…but opted for Delt shots later on as the ab ones were a bit painful at times.
nevertheless i mostly only do Quad shots… this is why the insulin syringe wouldnt have worked…nor do i have access to 1 inch insulin needles.
but now we are completely straying from what ive asked. Using a 3ml syringe i was still able to semi accurately get the correct amounts for the taper … i think the problem more lies in the PCT…and as you and Massive mentioned - my starting Test levels might have been low to start off with…so 100mg a week could have been suppressive.
[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:
[quote]cybercom8 wrote:
isnt it a bit of a mission to push oil through an insulin syringe? Also an Insulin syringe will only do a subcutaneous injection and not an intramuscular injection unless one does it in the deltoid or abdominal or a very lean area.
[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:
[quote]Arem wrote:
How long was the cycle, what were the dosages on the deca and test, what was your original pct protocol (mg per day, which week, etc.)?
Nolva should help reduce your existing estrogen levels.
IMO test taper isnt the best system, and i mean who the hell can actually measure 5 ml of test with a 3 ml barrel? [/quote]
Youve tried the stasis/taper?
And why would anyone use a 3ml barrel and not an insulin syringe? [/quote]
A mission? No.
IM injections are fine with insulin syringes if you arent fat (which you shouldnt be if using AAS). VG and delts are good spots. A half inch needle is long enough, especially for such a small injection volume.
ANd you dont do IM injections in the abdominals. Please dont try to tell me how to inject things and then say something as ignorant as that. [/quote]
Yes, it does seem like that might be the case, your natural test levels do seem relatively low I believe. That’s the problem with miligram dosage reccomendations for cycles etc. They are not one size fits all, and should really be given in mg/kg. For cycle dosages it doesn’t make a huge difference unless you are talking about people at both ends of the weight spectrum. For taper dosages which need to be very accurate, the variation due to bodyweight is likely much more significant.
Stick with nolva for a couple of months and see how you get on. [/quote]