It was good a few weeks ago, in the 120s over 80 I think? I don’t remember exactly but doc said that was fine. I had high blood pressure when I was bigger, but it’s dropped significantly with losing weight
Not sure if I’ve mentioned, but I’m only 23, not sure if this makes any kind of difference, or if that could rule out any other potential issues that aren’t common in my age range.
My free T was at 23 on 100mg, I’m thinking it will be closer to 30 of not higher with this new dosage. Only labs will tell though.
I’m around the same age as you and I also had a FT of 22-23 when on 105mg a week. I’m saying I had the same problems as you when going to this protocol and they got much better after going to 154mg a week dailies, which gave me a FT of 30. The other thing that seems to have helped was reducing my D3 intake. So the main difference between us seems to be bodyfat, I’m under 15% while you’re a higher %. TRT works more as expected when bodyfat is lower. At least under 20%.
I’m glad to hear your feedback then, having a similar protocol. Do you know where your levels are now on 154mg a week? Just curious. I know everyone needs a different level, but want to see the similarity when I get my labs. My body weight percentage is much higher than yours, definitley need to work on it. I think it would be interesting to see where that dosage on dailies puts your levels, compared to mine with our different BMI percentages
Here’s my bloodwork as of last week:
Testosterone, Serum 1060 ng/dL 264-916
Free Testosterone(Direct) 30.4 pg/mL 9.3-26.5
Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy 90.2 ng/mL 30.0-100.0
I recommend checking my log thread, should prove helpful.
I’ll check it out more in depth later, I see you talked to Dr. Saya though which is awesome that you got advice from him personally, I spoke with some other RN when I started at defy, wish I had waited for Saya though and got his opinion, however I feel like he would have told me the same thing he told you (plus lose some weight)
Maybe you need more T. 150mg is not the top of the range for you. I bet if you bumped up you could offset the Low T effects youre having. Dont pay attention to your E, that will distract from your free T and Total T. Try 160mg and wait for 6 weeks. Of course your labs should pop up soon, I hope. And this will have some kind of indication of what is going on. Going from 100mg to 150mg is no different than when you started off, and overrode the system. You added 100mg a week to your baseline and had positive effects. Now your new baseline is still in need of more to level off. What youre mentioning sounds like low T, not high E
well I got my labs, and my TT is nearly 1500, FT is 35 so those definitely aren’t too low LOL. E2 is “high” but by the 15 to 25 TT per E2, i’m in the right ratio area, however I believe i’m more sensitive to E2, due to low SHBG.
Subq or IM?
Theres your problem. Your numbers are up, but youre not feeling the benefits. @dextermorgan had the same thing going on. Ive only done IM. Use syringes above 27g for IM. You should feel the difference. Numbers will come down a bit but the results in body/mind goodness should rise
Hi, I’m DexterMorgan and I approve this message.
Well then, I have a few questions for you dexter. Do you take daily IM injections? What size needle do you use, and where do you inject? Have you done any research or gotten any info about why IM works for you, and why subq doesn’t seem to?
Sub-q works just not as well. I did it for quite a while before switching. At one point I thought it wasn’t working, got labs done and my levels were 2000. For me sub-q was like time release so you really don’t feel it. With IM I just feel like I’m on Testosterone. I don’t have studies or anything I just know from personal use that I prefer IM. Technically the Testosterone you’re using is made for IM use (doesn’t really matter). There’s a very very low percentage of people on TRT doing sub-q.
I use 28g 1/2 inch needle 1CC insulin syringes and inject in the delts. It’s the best way to go by far. No issues ever and you can’t feel the injection at all.
How long did it take after going IM to feel benefits?
@dextermorganhow much do you weigh again? I’m switching to daily now too. You’re taking 28.6 mg right? I’m thinking anywhere from 30-34 mg daily. Think it’s too much? I’m 238 lbs.
Any chance that you have sleep apnea? Possible, dosage increase could have led to worsening or bringing on sleep apnea.
Not that I know of.
you didn’t post your thyroid results; having TSH in the “middle” of the range is not the same as being in the optimal range (I believe i was told 1-2 is the optimal range, where at least for my labs 0.32-4.00 is the “normal range”). My TSH was midrange as well, but my T4 was at the bottom of the range but T3 was at upper end and rT3 was in the middle; so no further action was taken.
I too am looking for my own answers and was just curious what your labs showed your thyroid function to be; as hypo does share a lot of the same symptoms.