High E2 and Struggling with Water Retention

Hey, I’ve been on TRT for 15 months. In Feb this year I switched to 50mg EOD. Also dropped the Clomid and Anastrozole. Felt great for a month. Then had high E2 symptoms. We decided also in Feb to try using DIM(600mg)and Calcium D Glucarate(500mg) to manage the E2. So doc suggested trying an Anastrozole. It seemed to work ok, but I had pitting edema (moderate) in my ankles (more like kankles) and shins. Never EVER had I had this. So it freaked me out. More so my RN wife. Lol. So I stopped the Anastrozole and it went away. Continued with DIM and Calc D. Fast forward to today’s results and on and off water retention issues since the 1st incident. My yesterday test results were TT 1166 E2 125. My question is the water retention common in a drastic drop or raise in E2? I wonder if the initial edema was from the E2 dropping fast. I am considering coming down to 40mg EOD. I have been patient as I know it takes 6-8 weeks. Thoughts?

Water retention is mostly diet related. Eat clean for a week and see for yourself

TRT can cause fluid retention by sodium reabsorption in the kidneys that has nothing to do with E-2.

So it would probably be beneficial to watch sodium intake. Eat pretty clean. I have done keto and that did help reduce it. Must have just been the timing of it all that made me think it was E2 levels. Thanks for the info.