My first post =) Have been reading a lot here for a long time, and I see there is a few very experienced guys here.
Just need some feedback and\or inputs on my cycle.
Fresh eyes =)
Some facts. I’m 26, 245lbs, 6,2feet, around 10% BF measured with Ultrasound.
My cycle:
Tbol…6weeks 40mg ED
Tren A…12 weeks 75mg EOD from week 4 in the cycle
Test E…12 weeks 250mg EW from week 4 in the cycle (mainly to keep my sex drive at an OK level)
HGH…4ui ED for 6months minimum.
I’m in my 7th week of the cycle now, BF % is getting lower without much of an effort, the strength has improved a lot.
Some input from other people would be nice. Higher dosage?, other roids i could add?. I have considered adding some Masteron, what is best to mix masteron with in the syringe, to get the numbers of injects down. Im looking for quality mass, not so much water.
How is the sex drive doing? 250mg test a week is not enough IMHO to offset over 250 mg/week tren A. I would suggest increasing the test to 500mg/week and also try shooting the tren A every day. Adding mast wouldn’t be bad. Try 50mg/day added with your tren injections.
If you do not like to pin, next time use longer esters.
The sex drive is at its best no problem there. I dont mind injecting, but if i can mix, im ok with fewer injects :)if i increase the test dosage, im worried about the extra water.
Hehe, i was going for an TBOL only cycle, then i decided to go “all out” =)
Thats the reason, was not intended
Im on a very serious diet, not eating much junk, maybe once a week, maybe less… Soo maybe ill add 250mg xtra test EW then. Im scared of getting gyno
I like this cycle. You could use some Adex if your worried about gyno from the extra test although the extra estrogen combined with the tren will give you bigger gains. Don’t forget about the prolactin gyno that can be caused by tren and deca. 500mg of B6 ED will help with that but I keep some caber on hand just to be safe. One of my friends got this from deca and had to have them cut out.
Hey Im thinking of using T-bol at 40mg/ED with growth at 3-4ius 6 days a week. Do you think this will be anygood?
Any feedback would be much appreciated!
Also is there need for a PCT after just T-bol? Or will taking ZMA and MT during the cycle be ok.
[quote]Big John 1 wrote:
Hey Im thinking of using T-bol at 40mg/ED with growth at 3-4ius 6 days a week. Do you think this will be anygood?
Any feedback would be much appreciated!
Also is there need for a PCT after just T-bol? Or will taking ZMA and MT during the cycle be ok.
4 IUs of HGH ED or every 5 days a week = major joint/tendon issues!
Got a good buddy who did HGH(only)… 4IUs SubQ 5 days a week for 6.5 months straight. During the 6 months that mofo got down to single digit bodyfat and was extremely strong!
At 5 months, he got a pain in his elbow and shoulder.
At 6 months the same pains were almost unbearable.
At 6.5 months he stopped the HGH as severe carpal tunnel/tennis elbow and something with his rot cuff in his shoulder was diagnosed.
At 7 months (just 2 weeks ago) he pulled back his bow and threw his shoulder out of socket!!!
yeah that is some serious hgh dosage. I would really rethink that one… a beginning cycle is .5 iu to 1 i.u a day some take 5-8 a week… but i KNOW many people will take more cause its exciting… you know the most critical error people make when taking hgh even in proper dosing, they think its an intramuscular injection. its actually a subcutaneous injection. totally different technique and different pin then just takin your test.