HGH and Metformin Dose?

I’m prediabetic, but I believe HGH would be useful for my goals, and would like to run it some time in the future, I’m thinking 4-5 iu a day.

I keep hearing people recommending Metformin with HGH to keep blood sugar in check and help with avoiding getting diabetes from HGH. With 4-5iu a day, what dosage would you recommend? What about with 1-3iu a day or 4-5iu eod?
Where can I find more info on this?

Also what would you do as a pre diabetic who wanted to run hgh, to avoid having it worsen your condition?


How so?

This is not proven but is weak linked in studies. Metrormin in a normal prescribed dose is enough.

I wouldn’t, but I’d really like to know what you expect to get out of 4iu HGh per day.

Bone growth, I want to trigger bone thickening, plus my growth plates may still be open into late age and I want to take advantage of that

Don’t know why I’m prediabetic to be honest, lifestyle perhaps?

You may want to list your goals in order to get decent responses here.
May also want to list your stats.
In general I do t like the thought process behind your proposed plan.
Need more info if you want help.

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How old are you?

If you’re older than 18 any incremental growth you’ll get from hgh will be absolutely minuscule…

I wish I’d done HGH when I was seventeen… as absurd as it is for me to say that I had access and the only reason I didn’t pull the trigger is because I still lived with my parents

I’m a tad under 5’7 and could have pushed myself up to 5’9 or so

As a teenager my projected final adult height was 5’5 and I was 1 inch off the cutoff to be given HGH

Instead I was given 1mg anastrazole per day (7mg arimidex per week) which may have increased my final adult height but at what cost…