HGH and Low Dose Test

40yo with 20 years in the gym. Haven’t used aas/gh in 10 years. Im on trt for a year but looking to ramp up some fat loss results. Plan on 3iu’s eod prior to hitting the gym and 400mg of test. weekly in multiple injections. Cant get crazy with amounts because i respond well and cant have the job catching on. Anyone have experience with low dose and fat loss? tahnks

400mg/w along with 3iu EOD preworkout should be enough to see pretty good fat loss results. I would recommend if your main goal is fatloss and you wanna stay kinda low key to also use a low dose AI (adex is prob easiest to dose).

start at about .25mg EOD and see how you feel, adjust if needed…keeping your estrogen in the low normal range will reduce some of the weight gain from the test and make fatloss a little easier. I would maybe throw in a bit of masteron as well (250mg/w or there abouts) to aid fatloss and add a bit more kick to the cycle without adding in extra mass.

you didn’t mention how long you are running the cycle or PCT?