Ect. Ect. Ect.
MBE: “Hey, I remember these. Since 1732.”
Ect. Ect. Ect.
MBE: “Hey, I remember these. Since 1732.”
Holy crap: a monkey sighting.
Good to see you back…
I’ve been waiting for you. My folds need lubing.
The T-Simian is BACK!!!
…er…wait…ARE you really back?
NOW, let’s all work in getting the Lion (Mufasa) back in here, too!
Holy hell! Are you gonna grace us with your presence again?! Yippee!
He’s making fun of every last one of you on IM right now.
Forum’s favorite primate returns. Wacky hi-jinks and tomfoolery ensue.
Welcome back MBE. Perhaps you can save us from dull lawyer posts. =-)
MBE – been wondering what’s up in the tree.
Welcome back.
Yeah, getting Mufasa back would be great. And Whopper. Miss those guys.
Worked those Deltards lately, or just been doing protractor presses?
I didn’t know you before, but I read that thread, and it was absolutely hilarious.
(brider: great seeing you and the Missus on Saturday!)
Joel: He’d nevuh make fun-a-me. Nevuh!
Well, that about explains where Mufasa is.
MBE: “MufasOWNED since the Mason Dixon collaboration.”
Oh that’s right, just welcome back the prodigal son. The one who just emotionlessly ripped our hearts out by up and leaving one day. We were left crying and groaning in this abyss we call the “internet” while he’s off frolicking in the trees. It’s like welcoming back your alcoholic daddy with a, “Hey, that didn’t hurt, hit me again!”
It’s good to have you back.
Look who’s back…
Translation: ‘Welcome back, monkeyface. Stop throwing turds.’
Oh, MBE is back?
Excuse me while I get my face shield on. . .
STU: “Gettin’ ready for some serious shit flingin’”
Oh shit He’s BACk ; )
We hated you so much we missed you!
Welcome back! Everybody was wondering, a few months back, just where in the hell is EMB? Its definitely to see you back to stir some more trouble!
about time!
Nice to have ya back
Nate where is Shugs?