
Veg, you are always raggin’ on me man, how the hell am I supposed to know when you aren’t?

[quote]Paulos wrote:
This bit worried me,

“Nearly half of males between 16 and 29 spend more than $150 a month on fashion, and nearly one in five spends more than $250.”

New clothes are nice and everything but come on, where do they find the money for this. I might spend that much on clothes in a year![/quote]

No shit man! I don’t spend that much money on clothes. There is no way I could even afford to spend that much money on clothes in a month. I’ll buy new clothes as needed or if there is a good deal going on, but not every freakin’ month. And I try to save money and get stuff at Old Navy (work shirts, T-shirts), Goody’s (work clothes, shorts) and only some stuff from AE (boxer briefs, Jeans, some T-shirts) or Macy’s (Quicksilver stuff on sale is the shit!)

That is crazy! And these new “mirls” or “hermaphrodudes” are just straight gay!!!

[quote]vroom wrote:
Vroom I know you were fucking kidding. I was just having some fun with ya, I thought that was kinda what you were after. God, can’t friggin please anyone these days.

Veg, you are always raggin’ on me man, how the hell am I supposed to know when you aren’t?[/quote]

It’s all in the tone buddy. :wink: plus you were just throwing out some overboard theories simply for the fact that you thought it would be funny and get some responses. So I responded in an overzealous post ripping the little man fags to shreds, I thought this was your goal? It’s nice that elks still got your back though. Actually he has anyones back that I talk to, you know… just in case I go all vegita on them…


at least we know there will never be mirls that are jacked - shit with all the money they spend on clothes, I bet they can barely aford to eat a few crackers and cheese.

When I’m bulking I spend nearly half my income on food/supplements.

Really… PX. Our Old Navy has mostly topped out at 2x. And their 3x is narrow, when I can find it. I’m finding some stuff at Walmart in 3x as far as summer button downs. Our ON really torques me off.

Thanks for the online tip. Had any problems with them being “small” 3x?

Wait… what am I saying… I think I’m becoming a Mirl. Next thing you know I’ll ask about PX’s matching handbag…and sensible shoes.

Where’s my Alpha Male.


[quote]Professor X wrote:
Paulos wrote:
This bit worried me,

“Nearly half of males between 16 and 29 spend more than $150 a month on fashion, and nearly one in five spends more than $250.”

New clothes are nice and everything but come on, where do they find the money for this. I might spend that much on clothes in a year!

Especially as students. I guess I’ll have to give up shopping at Old Navy…which, by the way, has “United States Flag” tee-shirts on sale for $5 up to size XXXL over the internet. I usually cut the sleeves off to work out in them but I guess I’ll have to find a few $100 Dolce & Gabbana shirts to train in.

If anyone ever sees me in a pink scarf, you have my permission to choke me with it. Don’t worry about me fighting back because I am sure all testosterone and aggression would be depleted at that point.[/quote]

Is that a chocolate chip cookie hanging on the dude’s neck?

I bet these little shemales are really making their mom and dad proud.

My kid ever comes home looking like that, and I’ll have to kill him. I know that sounds harsh, but If the parents of these mirls would step up and take care of the problem, that would leave a lot more air for the rest of us.

What ever happened to the barbarian man who would kill a wild oxen with his knife and bring it to his family.

I wonder if these guys buy themselves the same valentines presents they get for their girl??? God forbid I see a mirl running lose in the wild. Dinner time. They probably arent much of a sport though…like hunting a pretty little goldfish.

That dude needs to cut.

Over here in Nippon, the whole metro/mirl thing is taking off, sadly. Most Japanese males between the ages of 16-35 make me ill. Dyed, teased, gelled long hair, jewelry, skin care products, 11 inch guns if they’re lucky, pink shirts and even makeup. The days I take too much ephedrine and coffee I wish I had a flamethrower to cleanse the streets to clear space for the few modern-day samurai.

I use a lot of lip balm. A LOT. I lick my lips incessantly. And I talk a lot, being in sales.

The last thing I spent over $100 on was a set of tires for my truck. I spend maybe $75-150 every few months TOTAL for clothes - I like really-relaxed jeans or cargo pants (they’re the only pants that’ll fit over my thighs).

Fukcing hippies.

I really don’t see the problem with this part:

“The student, 21, spends a quarter of his income on fashion…”

I mean, I would spend the equivilent of a quarter of a student’s income on clothes. That would be about $20 a month, wouldn’t it?

[quote]Massif wrote:
I really don’t see the problem with this part:

“The student, 21, spends a quarter of his income on fashion…”

I mean, I would spend the equivilent of a quarter of a student’s income on clothes. That would be about $20 a month, wouldn’t it?[/quote]

Hahaha, that’s probably true for most students, but I wonder if these mirls include their allowance?