Stop worrying about arm day.
Didn’t mean to stomp on your dreams, so here is what worked for me: low volume and high frequency. Hit 'em hard, short, but frequently. That’s all I got. Triceps mostly come with heavy weight, especially if you want that “legit” thickness in the elbow.
so if i drop arm day generally what kind of split would you suggest? and no worries man
I’ll jump on the “eat more food” bandwagon. Try gaining about 10-15lbs and you’ll probably put an inch on your arms. I think your present arm routine looks pretty solid. If I were to recommend anything else, it would be to ramp the weight on some exercises (add weight each set) and for other exercises keep the weight the same for all sets. That will give you a good blend of strength and hypertrophy.
[quote]fr0IVIan wrote:
[quote]ronix08 wrote:
[quote]GreatAjax wrote:
you can definitely find them on the internet. just google it. and the collar bone, shoulder problem could possible just be the result of weak or tight ligaments or something. i had the more common pain in my sternum when i first started them. that hurt like a bitch and i had to increase the depth and volume gradually over a month or two to until it went away. it just took time for the ligaments in my chest to gain some flexibility and strength. you could try doing that too, being conservative with depth and volume until you can handle it. also try using different body angles (i.e. leaning forward or backwards) to see which is more comfortable.[/quote]
assuming this does help that feeling, should i be weighting the dips eventually and shooting towards a specific rep range?[/quote]
if you want to use dips as a primary movement for triceps, then yes. if you want to use it more as a finisher then you can just crank out reps at bw, though personally I prefer some kind of machine/cable extension for a tricep finisher.
also, if you are losing or gaining bw then progressing with weighted dips gets a little tricky. for instance I gained 30 lbs in six months, and my dips went from 1 to 2 plates for reps… so then did I progress by 45 lb or by 75?? [/quote]
there ya go. once you decide that youre ready to add weight (assuming decide to stick with them) use whatever rep range youre training with and the weight will vary accordingly. although i would start light to test the waters. also if you decide to try working on dips until the pain goes a way, make sure you dont use full ROM at first. just go as deep as you can without pain. just go a little lower as you start to feel comfortable with it. and if you feel serious pain (not soreness) after your workout or the day after just stop doing them until the pain completely goes away, even if that takes 2 weeks or a month.
oh and i think you gained 75 pounds in ur dips.
[quote]ronix08 wrote:
[quote]sexyxe wrote:
Frequency. Do an exercise for tri’s Mon/Wed/Fri and one for Bis Wed/Fri, ontop of your arms day, when ever that is.
Just do 3 sets or so on the non arm days, and drop the arm specific day by an exercise for both. So overall the frequency goes up, and volume is up slightly. Try that out. [/quote]
so should my arm day be on a tuesday or thursday or on a mon wed fri?[/quote]
I train 5/3/1, I bench on Mon and add skull crushers at the end, squat Tue and add DB curls at the end, instead of taking Wed off I do 2 exercises for bi’s and tri’s. Thu is Mil Press and I add DB overhead ext, Fri is Deads and I add hammer curls.
My arms are ‘small’ T-Nation standard. But, this has helped me add about 15mm to my upper arm in ~5 weeks. But, I’ve got about 20mm to go until Im at my goal of hitting 17". Yep, mixing metric and imperial.
[quote]Chris Colucci wrote:
[quote]ronix08 wrote:
thanks, feed back is appreciated and Chris yes that’s accurate.[/quote]
And there’s no problem with that. I was just trying to make a point that by the time you’re big enough and strong enough to even get to those modest numbers, you’ll be filling out more, so there’s no point stressing about anything being underdeveloped before we’re even there.
That’s not slim, bud. That’s Ethiopian. Congrats on building up a bit so far. Keep it going.
This article has a good list of some basic foods to focus on:
But just remember that you’re not a bodybuilder getting ready for a contest, so you have some leeway. If you want a Coke with lunch, have a frickin’ Coke with lunch.
I’m the exact same way. I broke my collarbone when I was a kid and I can’t do bodyweight dips without pain, but I can do bench dips. Also, I find that machine dips are no problem at all because they let me angle my body however I need to, and I can still hit my tris or chest.
Machine dips are actually one of my “favorite” chest exercises. If your gym has one, try playing around on it to see if you can make it work.[/quote]
dude, just wanted you to know that i personally think you’re awesome always helping out the newbs here with very detailed and informative answers. very much appreciated.
/hijack from a newb
[quote]ronix08 wrote:
so if i drop arm day generally what kind of split would you suggest? and no worries man :P[/quote]
I don’t know if I can recommend an entire split to get the overall mass desired for big arms, but I was in a similar position where I wanted disproportionately big arms as a tall guy. I got up to 245 and cut to 215 and have the arms I want(for now).
This takes TIME and WORK. This is what might be necessary, especially considering you’re tall. Research and find a program that fits your schedule/needs/wants and follow it diligently to get the short-term goal done (getting big).
In the beginning, though, what built the best foundation (for me) was incorporating heavy close-grip bench (works upper and mid-pecs as well strongly involving the triceps) and heavy dips (lower pecs, triceps). These also have the advantage over other isolated movements as I feel they hit the medial head to a stronger degree, which contributes to that “thick” triceps look.
Once you have hit near arm size, I would highly recommend John Meadows Mountain Dog Training for arms, as it has worked very well for me in terms of maintaining my arm size while still maintaining good joint health.
Focus on the big lifts, get strong, get big, eat smart, train hard, and know what you want. You’ll do fine.
Best lifting,
Try slowing down your reps. Maybe use a 303 tempo.
[quote]Mike T. wrote:
Try slowing down your reps. Maybe use a 303 tempo.[/quote]
yea ive read a lot about eccentric loading so i figured id give that a goo too. and close grip bench is my new found love as of the last 3 weeks
[quote]Mike T. wrote:
Try slowing down your reps. Maybe use a 303 tempo.[/quote]
that may work, but this link:
shows an abstract of research that showed that faster reps built more muscle then slow reps.
Familiar with that arm issue here… Was scrawny like hell…
My main problem was (and I believe it is certainly yours too) the forearms who were really a limiting factor on every arm workout : the failing point was forearms, forearms and forearms.
It improved a lot by doing chin-ups, deadlift, BB row, and pull-ups.
I would even say that my arms isolation workout was useless at first.
I didn’t really read every post but by skimming through I’ve seen you’re getting really good advice. If you have the energy (and time to rest and recover properly) add close grip push ups to your training, they heavily stress the triceps. BW exercises have done a lot for me especially if there used as a supplement to weight training (specifically heavy weight training) because it damages the muscle enough for it to repair and grow but, as long as you’re not overtraining, not enough to hinder your weight lifting workouts. Also try close grip bench pressing and it seems that you perform weighted dips already (just make sure you get off the bench, it’s really hazardous to your body) those are just my 3 “go to’s” and they’ve been working for me.
Oh and 1 more thing, your arms aren’t gonna grow on their own, but as a part of your entire body so deadlifts (with their growth hormone enforcement) can be your best friend. A stonger back translates to heavier presses, heavier presses means more stress on the arms.
Whaddya bench?
[quote]RampantBadger wrote:
Whaddya bench?[/quote]
Me or the OP? I’m thinking the OP but I just wanna clarify.
[quote]NinjaLEO wrote:
[quote]RampantBadger wrote:
Whaddya bench?[/quote]
Me or the OP? I’m thinking the OP but I just wanna clarify.[/quote]
Ive got the same body/build as u im a freshaman in highschool and a month ago i was 165 at 6ft now im 170pounds. I know that were both skinny but drinking a ton of milk works and force feeding urself works also. Do a lot of the powerlifting workouts and closegrip benching if you want larger triceps. Also try tricep extensions. If you are as young as me then its just a factor of time to get larger. But if your older then me like past college i suggest u seriously change up your whole diet to gain the weight that you need to get arms larger than 17inches.
[quote]ronix08 wrote:
so if i drop arm day generally what kind of split would you suggest? and no worries man :P[/quote]
Why would you want to remove your arm day if you are trying to improve your arms? If you are on a proven split, work hard and eat more.