Anxiety comes and goes; the low work out performance and light headedness is very annoying. Even basic stuff like elliptical for 45 minutes, I only managed to feel super fatigued and light headed. The feeling typically continues on for the rest of the day. If I drink any alcohol, it feels amplified the crappy feeling. I feel like the blood work is somewhat normal, my RBC’s have increased since the last one, same with hematocrit by 2 points… but still with-in range.
36y/o, 220, 5’11, Weights 3x a week, cardio on off days 45-60 mins. 1 Rest day. Blood pressure 120/79 at best, 149/89 at worst. Diet is pretty high in protein. 200+ grams per day. I try to stay hydrated as much as possible as well.
Thanks will do. I did have some of the symptoms on deep IM as well but less often. Just my anxiety was worse which could be unrelated to test.
I should add. The reason why I went to subq was because I had a headache for two days and felt pretty off after my last IM injection.
The first week of subq seemed okay, just slightly less energy. Then just the other day the head ache came back and light headedness. I don’t feel like my rbc is too high, but feels like I’m more sensitive to it or something. Seems like a lot of similar symptoms to high rbc.
I dislike donating blood. Last time I did it I almost passed out… but I will if I have too.