This is my first post with this user name, have not been here for awhile so i forgot my old password. Anyways- Im working on my next cycle and Im pretty sure i got it figured out, I just need some feedback. Im 220lbs, 6’4, and 18% bodyfat. I’ve done 2 cycles in the past, this is not my first time around.
So i was thinking about running this cycle:
Week 1-11 Sustanon (125mg eod=500mg every 8 days) frontload first 6 shots with 250mg
Week 1-4 Dbol 40mg ED
Week 10-13 Winstrol 50mg ED (injectable)
Week 1-9 Proviron 50mg ED
Week 3-13 Hcg 250iu twice a week (will stop 4 days before PCT)
Week 14-18 Nolva 20/20/10/10/10 (will start 3 days after last winstrol inj.)
I will run Arimidex all of cycle up until PCT at .25 EOD
Ok now im questioning the frontloading, should i just extend my test to 12 weeks or use those shots to frontload?
Also the proviron, im under the impression i shouldnt use with winstrol, any advice?
not sure if im doing the AI at correct dose, maybe i should do .5 EOD, dont wanna ruin gains tho, also should i lower dose on winstrol?).
i also have clomid on hand if needed.
Looking for any and all feedback or advice, negative or positive, come with it please…