Alright guys, here are my cycles I wish to carry out starting (for the cutting cycle) as soon as I get my stuff together, and (for my bulk cycle) this coming August after my competion. Weigh 230 lbs at 8% BF, been training for 10 years. I decided to put both of my cycles in here to save space on the forum page.
Before I talk about the cut cycle, I have been told that running Ketotifen or Benadryl may allow one who is cycling Clen with ECA may be able to use Clen for more than 2 weeks (3 or even 4) due to its upregulating properties that could possibly allow for the Beta 2 receptors to be desensitized later on, hence the below week listing that says “2, 3, or 4” which indicates that the Clen could last longer. Anyhow, enough babble.
Here’s the cut cycle:
Day 1: Clen 20mcg, increasing by 20mcg a day until sides elevate too much
Week 1 - X: Taurine 1g/D
Week 2,3, or 4 (depends on when effects slow): end Clen
Week 1 - 2, 3 or 4: Ketotifen 3mg/D
Next week - 2 weeks later: Ephedrine 25mg 2x/D, Caffeine 200mg 2x/D, Aspirin 100mg/D, and 100mg Benadryl before bed
Repeat until competition
If I can’t get a hold of the Keto, I will simply use Benadryl in its place. Should I only use Benadry or Keto during the ECA part of the cycle or can I use it up until my competition? Any more help with the cut cycle would be great.
And here’s the bulk cycle, what I am more concerned about. My goal is all-out mass. I don’t care about slow, lean gains because I don’t have trouble burning fat into single digits, though I doubt fat gain will be a problem anyway while on gear, especially with my diet.
Week 1 - Test Enth kicks in: Test Prop 100mg/ED
Week 1 - 12: Test Enth 300mg/E3D
Week 1 - 12: Tren Ace 75mg/ED
Week 1 - 12: HCG 250IU/E3D
Week 1 - 15: Adex .25mg/ED, tapered at the beginning of week 13 down to nothing by week 15
Week 1 - X: Nolva, used whenever Gyno symptoms occur
Week 13 - 18: Test Enth 100mg
Week 19: Reduce Test Enth by 10mg per week until dose is 0mg
Week 19: Nolvadex 25mg/ED, reduced by 5mg/ED every two weeks during the taper
Questions about my cycle:
Is Test Prop a good Kickstarter for a cycle that already contains Test Enth or would Dianabol/another steroid serve this purpose better?
Would Letro be a good replacement (for Adex) or addition to the cycle in any way? I have read that it can not only prevent the estrogenic sides of aromatizing steroids, but also prevent side effects from progesterone, which could be an issue with taking Trenbolone.
Would 25mgx2/D of Proviron during the 2nd half of the cycle be of any use since it could help increase free Test? Maybe as an anti-estrogen? I think it could really be of use during the taper at least, but I would like the opinion of a vet.
Is there anything else I can do to help retain gains for this cycle? I’m sure the vets can think of something, but what I was thinking was that with the sudden drop in Test levels during the stasis, would Cortisol levels rise, therefore making some sort of Cortisol reduction supplement helpful? Just a thought maybe.
Hope I didn’t forget anything essential or important for the cycle. Anything else you can think of that looks questionable, mention it and help if possible.
I want this cycle to be as close to perfection as possible, so any help is welcome to help tweak this sucker. Thank you to whoever contributes.