Hi Bill
I will use this cycle 8 weeks
sustanon 750mg week
deca durabolin 600mg week
i have arimidex,hcg,nolvadex and clomid
how do you recommend use these drugs to prevent gyne(very sensitive) and recovery hpta?
Hi Bill
I will use this cycle 8 weeks
sustanon 750mg week
deca durabolin 600mg week
i have arimidex,hcg,nolvadex and clomid
how do you recommend use these drugs to prevent gyne(very sensitive) and recovery hpta?
[quote]rocky.b wrote:
Hi Bill
I will use this cycle 8 weeks
sustanon 750mg week
deca durabolin 600mg week
i have arimidex,hcg,nolvadex and clomid
how do you recommend use these drugs to prevent gyne(very sensitive) and recovery hpta?
some info on estrogen and gyno: Thoughts on Estrogen and Gyno Management - Pharma - Forums - T Nation
some info on PCT: Thoughts on Planning PCT - Pharma - Forums - T Nation
LINKS ABOVE ^ Should do the trick… personally I just pin 20-30 units when nuts feel smallish
250iu hcg e3d until last injection so after 50mg clomid 20mg nolvadex ed
While bill is VERY knowledgeable, this isa very generic question that many members on this board can answer
[quote]eatliftsleep wrote:
While bill is VERY knowledgeable, this isa very generic question that many members on this board can answer[/quote]
ELS, looking good brother
[quote]BUDs wrote:
[quote]eatliftsleep wrote:
While bill is VERY knowledgeable, this isa very generic question that many members on this board can answer[/quote]
ELS, looking good brother [/quote]
Thanks man! Finally did a show. Yogi started me a prep thread in the bb section and i kept up with it. Glad to see you posting again
[quote]eatliftsleep wrote:
[quote]BUDs wrote:
[quote]eatliftsleep wrote:
While bill is VERY knowledgeable, this isa very generic question that many members on this board can answer[/quote]
ELS, looking good brother [/quote]
Thanks man! Finally did a show. Yogi started me a prep thread in the bb section and i kept up with it. Glad to see you posting again
Oh Bitchin!
I’m gonna go check it out
[quote]eatliftsleep wrote:
[quote]BUDs wrote:
[quote]eatliftsleep wrote:
While bill is VERY knowledgeable, this isa very generic question that many members on this board can answer[/quote]
ELS, looking good brother [/quote]
Thanks man! Finally did a show. Yogi started me a prep thread in the bb section and i kept up with it. Glad to see you posting again
Oh Bitchin!
I’m gonna go check it out
My protocol is as follows:
On cycle:
0.5 armidex eod
HCG - 250 IU 2 x per week; 5000iu amp mixed with 2ml bac water gives you 20 insulin pins with 250iu in. Easy.
Slow esthers start from week 2. Fast esthers start straight away.
Chlomid - 50mg ed for 2 weeks.
Nolvadex - 40mg ed 2 weeks, 20mg ed 2 weeks