Hello guys
Heres a little brief on my issue…
Well mainly ive been suffering ED for the past 3 years. Its been an up and down battle and i thought id naturally over come it but that doesnt seem to be working.
Long story short i did a couple of cycles during 2016-17 and wasnt cleaning up properly. Only knowledge i knew was to take some nolvadex/clomid and boost myself with some HCG post cycle and that it would fix it all.
Anyhow after my last cycle i didnt end up recovering properly.
I came to this forum 2 years ago and followed KSmans protocal and i managed to up my fsh/lh free t and total t.
but still they didnt hold up properly. I thought i had some kind of primary/secondary hypogonadism. After months and months of supplementation and a couple of re-tried PCTs such as:
Day 1-16 HCG 2500 EOD
Day 1-30 Clomid 100mg ED
Day 1-45 Nolvadex 20mg ED
Anyhow after a while my tests ended up like this:
FSH 1.5 miU/mL range: 1.4-15.4
LH 1.6 miU/mL range:1.5-9.4
FTest: 9.0 pg/mL range 5.4-40
TTest: 6.3 ng/mL range 1.6- 7.53
Prolactin: 13.86 ng/mL range 4-15
E2: 20 pg/mL upto 40
fT3: 3.25 pg/mL range 2.3-4.2
fT4: 1.15 ng/dL range 0.89-1.75
Cholesterol, blood glucose, SHBG, kidney, liver, CBC, all in range.
You’ll think my fsh and Lh are low but its not affecting my semen analysis in any way.
Total count/mL 96million
Total Motility: 80%.
Im not depressed or anything. I maintain quite a healthy lifestyle and i still workout 5-6 days a week.
Age: 29
Weight: 75kg
Height 170cm
So basically all my numbers are in place, whats wrong with me? I have basically no sex drive and therefor i cant maintain an erection unless i take Viagra and it works 8/10 times. But i dont wanna be living on it. Am i missing anything here? What do i do? Any doctors in particular i should go to? am i missing any more tests ?