I’m looking to get some help with a diet plan.
I am 23, male, 6"3 and about 158lbs.
I don’t weight train but have in the past for a couple of years when i was really into bodybuilding. I’m not doing any specific exercise at the moment but i’m looking at getting into Tennis (training for and playing matches) as well as doing sprints and other forms of cardio.
I’m weird in the sense that i don’t like junk food and always stick to eating
clean foods. I don’t “like” to cheat on my diet but hey that’s a good thing.
For protein’s i eat chicken breast, turkey breast, whey/casein dymatize gourmet elite protein powder, cottage cheese, shrimp, egg whites, various white fish, lean pork.
For carbs i eat Oatmeal, Beans, Peas, Rice Cakes, Shredded Wheat cereal, wholegrain wraps, skim milk, low sugar/low fat yogurt and fruits.
For fats i usually take in some egg yolks, nuts, shredded coconut but not much.
I eat a good amount of non-starchy vegetables daily.
Anyway i’d like some advice on a diet plan for getting really ripped in regards to what the best macro ratio, food quantities and deficit daily would be. I’d consider 5%-7% body fat as being the shape i’d want to get into.
If somebody can offer what they think is the best calorie calculator on the net or even they’re own formula for how they calculate they’re macro’s that’d be awesome.