First Cycle Suggestion

Hey guys I’m sorry to add probably the 1000th post in this and have done lots of research but would still love some input. I’ve been on TRT with test cyp 200 mg/wk for almost a year plus HCG at 500 IU x2/wk. I’m 33, 6’2” and 215 lbs. Guessing between 10-12% body fat (don’t have any pics besides a random gym selfie sorry). I’m in good shape and lifted for over 10 years now. I was able to put on about 10+ lbs of weight with the TRT but looking to get a little more size. My labs prior to TRT were around 400 total test and now about 1200 total test. Estrogen is currently high 30s and no AI being used but I do have anastrazole on hand just in case.

A few questions or if anyone has suggestions

  1. Would it be best to run a test only blast of around 500 mg for 16 weeks for my first round and then cruise back at 200 mg? I’ve thought of adding primo 300 mg for 16 weeks as well or should I save that for my next cycle later on?
  2. Will I keep most of if not all my gains from going back to my TRT dose if I continue to eat well and lift hard and keep total test range still around 1000?
  3. Are there any other compounds you would recommend or dosing you’d suggest instead?
  4. Out of curiosity if you were to go back and start all over, what would your first cycle/blast be? Or would you never start to begin with?

Thanks in advance!


500 test only will probably be underwhelming for you.
You already know how you respond to test only; it’ll just be more of that, but with a need for estrogen control.

From a data standpoint, you’d do well to run 500 test just so you can eliminate variables and understand how much AI you’ll need.

You wont lose your gains, not unless you get significantly bigger. You’re well developed, but not at the point where gains are lost on only TRT. Not yet.

You could run 500 test and an additional compound that usually doesn’t carry sides, like anavar or masteron or primo.

Just be mindful of that head of hair, lol.

I approached this a little different than it is typically done today. But I believe some of the same principles remain today.

If you are in a hurry to reach your peak what I suggest might be too restrained for your liking.

I like the idea of upping the testosterone, but I would suggest 400mg/wk for 10 weeks. (I did 8 week cycles, but I always used orals so there was a quick response.) Assess the results you got. Cruise for 8 weeks and run another 10 week blast.

It would be normal to make less gains on the second blast than you did on the first blast. If you were disappointed with the gains on the second blast. Then consider adding (stacking) an additional AAS on your third blast.

Use this philosophy going forward. You might find yourself taking a large quantity of AAS down the road, but you look to have some very good potential to get huge.

One of my principles was to be “on cycle” more than I was “off cycle.”

If you weren’t aware, it takes nearly 6 weeks for serum concentration of long-acting esters to reach peak concentration.

So running a 10 week cycle is really only running full dose for ~4 weeks unless you frontload (which can also be problematic).

Sounds ideal. As your androgen binding sites are tiring, the testosterone concentration is increasing.

Honestly that’s a great point I didn’t think about and making lean away from primo. I’m liking the idea of just running test at 500 mg for 16 weeks to start to get a gauge of how my body reacts and then I can reassess from there.

I’m now considering trying EQ at a 2:1 test:EQ ratio instead of primo but I will do more research before doing that

Thanks for the advice and keep it coming if anyone has suggestions

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This is a myth that’s been debunked for quite some time now :slightly_smiling_face:

This doesn’t seem unreasonable.

Deca or NPP could also be a good call, but they do tend to come with complications that are not present in other derivatives of testosterone.

It is what I experienced taking many cycles. Every cycle my rate of strength increase started dropping around the 7th week. It seemed to plateau. It may very well be a myth, but when your body is talking to you, I tend to listen. If I ran a 12 week cycle, I always increased the amount of AAS by about 20% that I took the latter half of the cycle.

Okay but you’re advising someone to do what subjectively worked for YOU, when scientific findings (and anecdotal reports from tens of thousands of others) suggest the opposite.

I don’t take issue with you sharing your experience, but this is different than presenting your experiences as a fact.

Fair enough.

When I say anything that you can relate to scientific fact, please note that I only believe in “the best science” available. I have lived too long and seen too many scientific facts proven wrong, by “the best science.” In other words, I never state scientific fact. I would hope that no one infers that I believe anything I say is a scientific fact.

I noted that your first paragraph stated “scientific findings” which is more agreeable with me, though many equate “findings” with “facts.”

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I think this would be a good place to start. I recently ran a Test/EQ cycle at 500T/400EQ and by week 6 my E2 was at 8!
Point being EQ can act as a potent AI in some individuals and not in others. So, make sure your getting tested.