Help Stop ObamaCare: Call Swing-Vote Congressmen

Hey Guys,

We can still stop this. If you get a chance make a few calls.


Harry Mitchell (202) 225-2190 (480) 946-2411
Gabrielle Giffords (202) 225-2542 (520) 881-3588
Ann Kirkpatrick (202) 225-2315 (928) 226-6914
Jerry McNerney (202) 225-1947 925-833-0643
John Salazar 202-225-4761 970-245-7107
Jim Hines (202) 225-5541 (866) 453-0028
Alan Grayson (202) 225-2176 (407) 841-1757
Bill Foster (202) 225-2976 630-406-1145
Baron Hill 202 225 5315 812 288 3999
Mark Schauer (202) 225-6276 (517) 780-9075
Gary Peters (202) 225-5802 (248) 273-4227
Dina Titus (202) 225-3252 702-256-DINA (3462)
Carol Shea-Porter (202) 225-5456 (603) 743-4813
Tim Bishop (202) 225-3826 (631) 696-6500
John Hall (202) 225-5441 (845) 225-3641 x49371
Bill Owens (202) 225-4611 (315) 782-3150
Mike Arcuri (202)225-3665 (315)793-8146
Dan Maffei (202) 225-3701 (315) 423-5657
Earl Pomneroy (202) 225-2611 (701) 224-0355
Steven Driehaus (202) 225-2216 (513) 684-2723
Mary Jo Kilroy (202) 225-2015 (614) 294-2196
Zach Space (202) 225-6265 (330) 364-4300
Kathy Dahlkemper (202) 225-5406 (814) 456-2038
Patrick Murphy (202) 225-4276 (215) 826-1963
Christopher Carney (202) 225-3731 (570) 585-9988
Paul Kanjorski (202) 225-6511 (570) 825-2200
John Spratt (202) 225-5501 (803)327-1114
Tom Perriello (202) 225-4711 (276) 656-2291
Alan Mollohan (202) 225-4172 (304) 623-4422
Nick Rahall (202) 225-3452 (304) 252-5000
Steve Kagen (202) 225-5665 (920) 437-1954

“Freedom Works” is one of the major coordinating centers for rallies, a “war room” for stopping reconciliation, information on how reconciliation has worked in the past, talking points, etc.

If you’re so inclined, join up:

Knowing quite a few staffers on the hill, some of whom have to actually take these calls, I urge you not to call or write. Sure, you probably THINK this affects them. But they are VERY aware of who are their constituents and who are not. If one of these folks is your congressman/woman, go ahead. If you’re going to change the world by writing each and every person on that list, you can probably save your effort.

…actually thinking about how funny some of the stories that come from these notes are, please do write. It’ll brighten up my happy hours.

PS including a tea bag in the letter…classic. (and for security reasons the tea never arrives anyway…they do get a little note saying it was there though!!!)

[quote]Gambit_Lost wrote:
Knowing quite a few staffers on the hill, some of whom have to actually take these calls, I urge you not to call or write. Sure, you probably THINK this affects them. But they are VERY aware of who are their constituents and who are not. If one of these folks is your congressman/woman, go ahead. If you’re going to change the world by writing each and every person on that list, you can probably save your effort.

…actually thinking about how funny some of the stories that come from these notes are, please do write. It’ll brighten up my happy hours.

PS including a tea bag in the letter…classic. (and for security reasons the tea never arrives anyway…they do get a little note saying it was there though!!!) [/quote]

Having been a political appointee in a previous administration, I do kinda know about how these things work.

Wow- do you REALLY know a “couple of staffers” on the hill? Gee. That’s not only SUPER impressive - I def should listen to you about how things work on the hill. You must know because, after all, you know “a couple of staffers.”

What a clown.

I know many people here are in the business of kicking ass, and I certainly hope that business gets good :slight_smile: Let is make our vote our weapon, vote these fuckers out.

[quote]katzenjammer wrote:
Having been a political appointee in a previous administration, I do kinda know about how these things work.

Wow- do you REALLY know a “couple of staffers” on the hill? Gee. That’s not only SUPER impressive - I def should listen to you about how things work on the hill. You must know because, after all, you know “a couple of staffers.”

What a clown.

lol. You “kinda know about how these things work” so much, that you suggest people do something that is completely fruitless.

Good call!

[quote]Gambit_Lost wrote:

[quote]katzenjammer wrote:
Having been a political appointee in a previous administration, I do kinda know about how these things work.

Wow- do you REALLY know a “couple of staffers” on the hill? Gee. That’s not only SUPER impressive - I def should listen to you about how things work on the hill. You must know because, after all, you know “a couple of staffers.”

What a clown.

lol. You “kinda know about how these things work” so much, that you suggest people do something that is completely fruitless.

Good call!


  1. staffers do keep track of calls - and yes, it’s extremely difficult for them to discern whether or not the caller is an actual constituent.

  2. even if they know that many of the callers are not constituents, the level of interest demonstrated - if they get millions of calls AND their wires are completely burning up with anger - that will speak volumes.

They know very well that in this day and age that people DO and WILL donate money (across districts, across state lines) to throw Congressmen out of office. We live in a new age regarding this: “local” political contests reflect national realities, perhaps more than ever before. And they know it.

So, yes - it can be very helpful.

[quote]MaximusB wrote:
I know many people here are in the business of kicking ass, and I certainly hope that business gets good :slight_smile: Let is make our vote our weapon, vote these fuckers out. [/quote]

I am chomping at the bit to help throw the fuckers out Maximus!

[quote]katzenjammer wrote:

[quote]MaximusB wrote:
I know many people here are in the business of kicking ass, and I certainly hope that business gets good :slight_smile: Let is make our vote our weapon, vote these fuckers out. [/quote]

I am chomping at the bit to help throw the fuckers out Maximus! [/quote]

I am ready to unleash a fucking Felix Legion!

[quote]katzenjammer wrote:

They know very well that in this day and age that people DO and WILL donate money (across districts, across state lines) to throw Congressmen out of office. We live in a new age regarding this: “local” political contests reflect national realities, perhaps more than ever before. And they know it.

So, yes - it can be very helpful.

This right here is why liberals are liberals, they fail to understand that this is a direct consequence of a big federal government.

[quote]katzenjammer wrote:

[quote]Gambit_Lost wrote:

lol. You “kinda know about how these things work” so much, that you suggest people do something that is completely fruitless.

Good call!


  1. staffers do keep track of calls - and yes, it’s extremely difficult for them to discern whether or not the caller is an actual constituent.

  2. even if they know that many of the callers are not constituents, the level of interest demonstrated - if they get millions of calls AND their wires are completely burning up with anger - that will speak volumes.

They know very well that in this day and age that people DO and WILL donate money (across districts, across state lines) to throw Congressmen out of office. We live in a new age regarding this: “local” political contests reflect national realities, perhaps more than ever before. And they know it.

So, yes - it can be very helpful.

lol keep telling yourself that.

The random fruitcakes that “burn up the wires with anger” will never donate to someone who is not, shall we say, Palin-esque. You’ll be talking with a 22 year old intern who might make a tally point for “your side.”

But like I said before, please do call with your “burning anger.” It makes for entertaining happy hour conversations with said 22 year-old women.

You do “kinda know how it works!!!”

(let me guess, you fall under “front-line mentality” on the PowerPoint slide from the other thread, huh?)

[quote]Gambit_Lost wrote:

lol keep telling yourself that.

The random fruitcakes that “burn up the wires with anger” will never donate to someone who is not, shall we say, Palin-esque. You’ll be talking with a 22 year old intern who might make a tally point for “your side.”

But like I said before, please do call with your “burning anger.” It makes for entertaining happy hour conversations with said 22 year-old women.

You do “kinda know how it works!!!”

(let me guess, you fall under “front-line mentality” on the PowerPoint slide from the other thread, huh?)


You advertise that you are knowledgable of this process. A few questions:

Are you a US citizen? Have you ever worked as a staffer or otherwise for an elected official?

Just curious where your knowledge base for the process comes from. Thanks in advance.

[quote]katzenjammer wrote:

Wow- do you REALLY know a “couple of staffers” on the hill? Gee. That’s not only SUPER impressive - I def should listen to you about how things work on the hill. You must know because, after all, you know “a couple of staffers.”

What a clown.[/quote]

I get the sneaking suspicion he has no idea what he is talking about.

To the larger point, call and write like crazy (don’t send tea bags or any other such trinkets), if for no other reason, than ofice holders who don’t want to vote for the bill (quite a few) gain political cover to vote “no” the more they hear. Their minds don’t necessarily need changing - but they need political cover, and the more calls and letters they get, the more cover they have to break with the party line.

For example, previous “yes” votes who want to flip to “no” have their position strengthened when they have the advantage of talking about “overwhelming responses” in letters and calls.

And I have this on good authority slightly more compelling than “a couple of staffers on the Hill”.

Yes, throw the Congressmen out, and get the “right people” in. We’ve never been able to get the right people in before, but maybe it will work this time.

[quote]Ryan P. McCarter wrote:
Yes, throw the Congressmen out, and get the “right people” in. We’ve never been able to get the right people in before, but maybe it will work this time.[/quote]

Priority number one is to convince these Congressmen to vote against the healthcare bill. Not only to stop the bill - but, if the healthcare bill is stopped, this also means Obama’s agenda is thwarted. That’s the idea.

[quote]thunderbolt23 wrote:

[quote]katzenjammer wrote:

Wow- do you REALLY know a “couple of staffers” on the hill? Gee. That’s not only SUPER impressive - I def should listen to you about how things work on the hill. You must know because, after all, you know “a couple of staffers.”

What a clown.[/quote]

I get the sneaking suspicion he has no idea what he is talking about.

To the larger point, call and write like crazy (don’t send tea bags or any other such trinkets), if for no other reason, than ofice holders who don’t want to vote for the bill (quite a few) gain political cover to vote “no” the more they hear. Their minds don’t necessarily need changing - but they need political cover, and the more calls and letters they get, the more cover they have to break with the party line.

For example, previous “yes” votes who want to flip to “no” have their position strengthened when they have the advantage of talking about “overwhelming responses” in letters and calls.

And I have this on good authority slightly more compelling than “a couple of staffers on the Hill”.[/quote]

I agree. But it’s really hard to argue with a guy who knows “a couple of staffers.” That kind of authority makes me feel like a deer in the proverbial headlights.

[quote]Ryan P. McCarter wrote:
Yes, throw the Congressmen out, and get the “right people” in. We’ve never been able to get the right people in before, but maybe it will work this time.[/quote]

Just don’t vote for a lawyer and the odds get better.

Vote Sarah or RP in 2012.

What’s Obamacare? Is that like when he comes and gives you a back-massage and a validating pep-talk?

[quote]Spartiates wrote:
What’s Obamacare? Is that like when he comes and gives you a back-massage and a validating pep-talk?[/quote]

No, it’s when he gets the massage and the verbal validation.

WE get the bill.

[quote]Headhunter wrote:

[quote]Ryan P. McCarter wrote:
Yes, throw the Congressmen out, and get the “right people” in. We’ve never been able to get the right people in before, but maybe it will work this time.[/quote]

Just don’t vote for a lawyer and the odds get better.

Vote Sarah or RP in 2012.

Don’t worry, I plan to.