There is a meet next November which is sponsored by my school’s powerlifting team, and I want to try competing for the first time to get a feel for the sport and give myself a goal to work towards.
For the time being, my plan was to increase my strength as much as possible and then try to cut down to a lower weight class, giving myself a couple of weeks pre-comp to get used to being at a lighter weight. I know I am overly fat right now, so cutting to 205 or 181 wouldn’t be too detrimental if I did it over 3 or 4 months.
Right now I am running an 8 week sheiko and then either retesting and doing sheiko again or trying a westside template I have used in the past, depending upon how I like the results from sheiko.
As far as eating goes, I’m just trying to eat as clean and as much as possible, so that sheiko only somewhat kicks my ass instead of killing me.
My biggest question was what type of workout should I do over the 3-4 month cutting to maintain strength?
Any suggestions or other advice would be appreciated, and if this seems unreasonable, please feel free to bust my balls about it.
Scroll through the past few pages of this forum, there have been a few of these threads lately and the detail may be useful now or as you get closer to the meet.
As for your cutting weight,… tough call. What are your goals for the meet? Are you shooting for a specific total/weight class or just looking to go out to compete?
If you have no need to cut to a lower class, then I’d say come in at whatever weight you are at the time and just focus on getting stronger and your technique between now and November.
Now if you wanted to drop some weight for health reasons, I’d say focus on making sure you get protein every meal, plenty of fruits and veggies and moderate amounts of starchy carbs. Basically eliminate all the junk food/processed food you can and you likely drop weight without it impacting your strength.
If you have specific weight/lift goals please post them.
[quote]jga wrote:
I’d like to loose some weight for health reasons, but I also know that I wont be competitive at my current weight and strength.
Thanks for the advice about cleaning up my diet more, that’s probably really all i need.
Good to hear, you’re thinking about the health reasons.
You’re still fairly young so by minimizing the amount of junk food and just eating more healthy food along with plenty of activity, you should start to improve your body composition.
The Sheiko style training should help here to, but don’t forget to include other activity if you can (ie. any kind of organized or pick up games would do).