I would like to plan a cycle of AAS and will elaborate on my desires (goal wise) in a moment here.
Relevant info:
I have been training of and on for a long time (10 years plus).
My physique and lifts are certainly respectable in most arenas.
height/weight:5’10"/180lbs…BF: IDK (low)…bench 360…squat >450…DL 550 plus
My diet consists of green veggies and chicken breast…that is truely all except for an OCCASIONAL steak and once in a blue moon some eggs…
I have tried one (half cycle) of Epistane and was dissatisfied with the results and side effects. I actually cut the cycle short after 3 weeks due to extreme lethargy/joint pain, overall shitty feelings, etc. I really just assumed that the risks outweighed the potential benefits considering liver toxicity etc. and discontinued use.
To be on the safe side, I immediately began PCT with nolva/tamox. citrate…and I took cycle support throughout the entire process.
I would like to qualify this post by saying that I am NOT looking for someone to lay out a cycle for me in any way shape or form. What I am asking is for someone to point me in the right direction regarding what AAS('s) I should consider looking into cycling considering my history and goals.
My problem is that I lift for aesthetics as well as strength and hence would like to stay lean throughout the entire process and avoid bloating/water retention etc. I would also like to get stronger while staying at the same level bf or perhaps even dropping it a bit.
I am fully aware that I am able to get stronger by traditional bulking/cutting etc…but at this stage in my life I would like to consider taking a quicker, more efficieant avenue toward my goals.
ANY help would be greatly appreciated…I would also be glad to answer any specific training and/or diet questions that anyone may have.
Test would be my suggestion. I understand the concern of water weight, but for me personally adex makes water weight a pretty non issue. After that you could look into other types of gear tren, mast, etc.
Thanks fellas, I kinda assumed test solo was the way to go but I figured I’d ask some folks with experience before I got ahead of myself with the planning.
I would of said test prop because ive read that it causes less bloat, but as other users have stated and from my experience the AI pretty much cancels the bloat from test e. Its up to you…
If you run test and anavar with that physique your going to look sick! (as in awesome) haha
[quote]BUDs wrote:
Try just a basic 10-12 week test E cycle with an AI along side that to control estrogen and the bloat as well as hcg. [/quote]
I totally agree with bud’s.Test-e,is the one and in my opinion the best steroid(Basic test) REgarding the pro-hormones,im glad you got rid of that garbage.That crap is way more Liver toxic than the real stuff.Keep it simple,as you are already in good shape/ john