About three months ago I decided to completely overhaul my diet, focusing on being more efficient in terms of supplying my body with nutrients and developing an overall healthier way of eating. After briefly reading over the T-Nation forums, it has become quite clear to me how educated and dedicated the members of this site are, so I am looking for your help.
I am currently 5’11â?? and weigh 165 lbs, with 9% body fat and am looking to gain about 5 lbs of muscle. I lift 6 days a week, going (Chest,Back), (Legs,Abs,Cardio), (Shoulders,Arms), (Rest Day), and then repeating the cycle. Any and every piece of advice on my diet is more than welcome. I have posted a typical day of eating below, so have at it and let me know what should be changed and how to change it.
7:30: 3 Eggs, Oatmeal with two handfuls of blue berries, whey isolate shake
10:30: 2 Turkey cutlets, two handfuls of brown rice, bowl of broccoli
1:30: Skinless chicken breast (2X) sandwich on sprouted wheat bread, peppers, sprouts, onions, and green tea drink
4:30: Banana, whey isolate shake (Prior to workout)
7:30: 2 or 3 tacos with ground turkey breast on corn tortillas, black beans, peppers, organic salsa, onions, avocado optional
*In addition to Whey Isolate Shakes (Isoflex) I take Fish Oil 3X per day, and GNC’s Mega Men Multi Vitamin 2X per day.