Help Organizing Goals/Program

Just need some help evaluating my plan. I am a lifetime bulker, bulking for 4 years with little success recently. I realize that it is due to a lack of calories. The problem is that its too tough to get enough calories with my current lifestyle and im no longer motivated to do so presently.

I would like to start my first cutting phase to get below the elusive 10% body fat. I am 6"2 and weigh 196 pounds. I can see the outline of my abs but want more definition in my abs and other muscles. I would like to cut and lose about 4-5 pounds of fat in the next eight weeks while getting into better cardiovascular shape. I don’t need to lose much.

I would like to workout about 4-5 days a week in addition to playing basketball 5-6 days a week. I’am trying to decide between NROL Fat Loss III, Waterbury’s 3x3 for fat loss or some of Cosgrove’s complexes. Any suggestions?

Additionally id like to incorporate some exercises to help with my winged scapula(scap push ups,face pulls, overhead shrugs etc) . Should these be on a separate day or just incorporated into a pre-made routine?

Thanks and sorry for the long post

Bulking for 4 YEARS and you weigh 196lbs at 6’2?

You need to get your head on straight, friendo.

Well I was doing doing bulking type workouts but not eating enough to bulk. I’m not really into body building, just want to get in better shape, fix muscular imbalances and improve sports performance.

I use the term bulking loosely, meaning that ive done mostly hypertrophy workouts. I;m not really comfortable or motivated to consume the roughly 4400 calories a day that I need to bulk at this time.

Any advice on a fat loss/conditioning routine?

Losing 4-5 pounds of fat in 8 weeks is not hard. Just about any program plus diet (you do realize it’s mostly about diet, right?) will work.

Also getting in better cardiovascular shape is pretty simple too. Just do cardio.

IMO to fix postural issues, do the corrective stuff EVERY DAY and always before workouts.

Thanks Andersons.

Ive actually decided to do the Neanderthall No More routines and stick to basketball for cardio.

Im only going about 300 under maintenance for my diet to see how it goes.