Took a shot in the delt three days ago and my arm went purple from shoulder to elbow. Now I’m noticing massive fluid buildup on the elbow, around the bicep, tricep and forearm. It looks ridiculous, my right arm is swollen twice the size of the left. The pain subsided today so I tried to do some chin ups and push ups and think I made it worse. Is it better to drain? And could it be drained with a 23 guage?
Doctor. Now.
Odds are it’s an infection. Do not delay any longer. Go to the doctor and get some anti-biotics. I can say that just about everyone here will say go to the doctor also, so do it before it gets worse.
Wow. Doctor no question.
If you need a reason dig up the “WTF is wrong with my arm thread” by waylander. He said the Doc said much longer and he would have said goodbye to his arm.
Go in and tell the Doc the entire situation. Its not worth losing an arm.
How many cc’s did you inject
i injected somewhere between 2.5-3ml of test e,i was in severe pain late on the first day and on the second day so i was taking ibuprofen for relief but only when the pain was getting unbearable as i read ibuprofen interferes with protein synthesis and hinders gains
I woke up today in less pain but my arm is full of fluid
there are no doctors open here til monday as its the weekend and i dont think its serious enough to warrant the emergency room
I thought about trying to drain the fluid myself but i only have 23 guage here and thats probly too small to be effective
[quote]ironmiketyson wrote:
i injected somewhere between 2.5-3ml of test e,i was in severe pain late on the first day and on the second day so i was taking ibuprofen for relief but only when the pain was getting unbearable as i read ibuprofen interferes with protein synthesis and hinders gains
I woke up today in less pain but my arm is full of fluid
there are no doctors open here til monday as its the weekend and i dont think its serious enough to warrant the emergency room
I thought about trying to drain the fluid myself but i only have 23 guage here and thats probly too small to be effective[/quote]
No offense, but jesus h christ, you sound like an idiot.
2.5-3ml for a fucking delt is idiotic first of all, unless you have Ronnie Coleman delts, and you’re asking about draining it yourself huh?
You are way out of touch with reality dude.
Find a fucking doctor.
Im not trying to down play the situation. you probably should go see a doctor.
This exact same thing happened to my friend. His arm turned purple, swelling, pain couldnt flex or bend his arm.
He said it took him almost a week to have all the swelling and pain to go away.
Usually people will shoot at the most 2 cc’s I never go over 1 in the delt. Have also had some pretty bad swelling but not severe like my friends.
just read waylanders thread and that is scary shit,il be keeping a close eye on it the next day or two til the doctors opens
if the redness gets any darker,spreads further or develops dark lines around the injection site il go to the emergency room
I do actually think its getting better since today i can move my arm witihout much pain
btw I realise this was a lot to inject in one delt but im only injecting delts on this cycle since im using v painful gear and injecting legs or glutes makes it imposible to walk for a few days
hence the reason in innjecting delts so i can squat
and also draining a fluid build up is practiced ofte by the medical profession and is wat wil probably happen anyway when i see the doctor
Go to the ER.
You’re gambling with your fucking arm, I don’t think you understand the potential severity of this, at all.
[quote]InTheZone wrote:
2.5-3ml for a fucking delt is idiotic first of all, unless you have Ronnie Coleman delts, and you’re asking about draining it yourself huh? [/quote]
LOL, even Big Ron prob knows better than to inject that much oil into that small of a muscle, relatively speaking.
Get to the ER - quick. And don’t try to make up some bullsh*t story. tell them exactly what you did if you haven’t already. you can’t get in trouble for already having done it - although they can try to make you feel dumb about it. that’s what they did to me after i told them what i was injecting.
I had a horrible infection last Tuesday - in my hip - couldn’t take one single step. The infection was out of control - deep and really painful. ER put me on heavy antibiotics and that straightened things out immediately.
if it’s an infection it will only get worse unless you get the meds. Go.
advice taken,going to get it sorted in a few hrs,btw thx to all who posted those quick replies.
Its good to have a cross-refernce of knowledge when thinngs do go wrong
Go. Now. Good luck.
Geez. Yeah its probably more than a too many cc issue. Though as others have stated for delts 1.5cc is my max. Hope this clears up for you
Well I can almost promise you it’s an infection with the description of your symptoms.
That being said, why even fuck with the delt injections? Just use the good ole ventro glute. Best thing that ever happened to the world of IM.
you gotta laugh Bushi! Jesus Harold Christ
Ironmike, what doesnt kill us makes us stronger…
Aren’t there Urgent Care facilities where you live?
[quote]Joe Brook wrote:
Ironmike, what doesnt kill us makes us stronger…
Christopher Reeve would beg to differ.
1.5cc? I’ve used the delts for 3cc regularly and never had an issue though it did take a while to work up to it.
I’ve tried the ventro glute but it feels like I’m pushing through something seriously tough like my IT band. Yes I landmarked it correctly, and I’ve had two nurses and a doc landmark it on me with the same result so I don’t use it personally.
Plus it gives me a bad ache with any injection regardless of volume.
On the arm thing. . . go see a doc. . . looking for advice on the internet when your arm is swollen to twice it’s normal size is going to get you a darwin award if this proves fatal. . .