Alright, so my Pops who is:
52 years old
172 pounds
13% bodyfat
avid runner (down to about 20 miles per week)
lifts 3x per week
Is crazy about getting “cut” right now - he’s never had a six pack in his life (though he is a fitness beast), wants it bad, and is very close.
He is pretty progressive in his thinking about training - meaning, though he’s been in the game for 30 years, he’s always open to new ideas.
There are three major problems in his training, as I can see:
He only eats about 1500 calories per day, and 500 of those are from bars and fruit. He doesn’t believe the “eat to lose weight theory” Any articles that might sway him (maybe Beradi’s calorie articles?)
He has a really, really bad shoulder that prevents him from doing heavy overhead movements, dips, or pullups.
He has extremely tight hip flexors from years of running 35+ miles per week without ever stretching (he regrets that now), making squats a bit painful for him.
I told him he should bulk, he’s insistent on getting cut. So, I figured since he was going to run no matter what (it is his passion), and works out at lunchtime, Meltdown training might be perfect.
I’ve sent him some articles on stretching, the T-dawg diet, and meltdown articles, waiting to hear back. Hopefully he’ll up his caloric intake, start taking fish/flax oils, and stretching regularly.
What would you recommend to replace dipping in meltdown (he seriously can’t do these, without surgery, which he won’t get)
Also, pullups.
He has troubles getting to parallel with his hips, should he just suck it up and keep actively stretching his flexors while working on his squat tecnique?
Any advice you might have, especially from some of you more experienced, older guys, would be great.