Help Keep Me on Track


waist: 34.8
HB: 88 bpm (that’s strange, should check what that means)


-Scoop of whey
-4 eggs, 2 of which omega 3
-stalk of celery

Today is the second workout day of ABBH. Looking forward to 5x10 of frontsquats. Then I will do some ESW.
I am going to be taking 5-10 g of BCAA before, then 45 g of malto with 30 g protein after everything.

Yeah, Joe, that would be pretty funny if we ended up in the same place. I could just ask you for advice rather than type it. I think we were hoping to get to Manchester. I just don’t like Ronaldo, but I guess I’d have to get over that.

For the carb up on Friday, I was wondering what kind of guidelines you would suggest. I think I will make it a single meal after my workout. What should the macros be for that meal and the rest of the day?

Have a good day guys.

-4 eggs (2 omega
-1 scoop of whey

5 g bcaas/creatine

-45 g malto
-30 g whey


-5 oz of chicken breast w/dark meat
-1/4 cup of mixes nuts
-Ice burg lettuce

-5 oz Salmon
-1 tbsp coconut oil
-1 cup cucumber

Still to come

-5 oz shrimp
-1 tbsp EVOO
-cup of cucumber

Before bed:
-1.5 scoops of casein based protein
-2 tbsp flax meal
-5 Flameout

All 5x10 with 60 sec rest
A1) Front Squat(as low as possible)- 185 (I know thats light, but it was def hard on the 5 set)
A2) Standing calf raise- 4x 45s on smith
A3) Hanging pike- 5 kg medicine ball

20 min steady pace “320” cals

  • I was going to do HIIT, but had to watch the end of the Chelsea/Liverpool game. I will def ramp up the HIIT soon, especially when I have more carbs.

Tomorrow morning I plan to go on a walk(~40 min) before breakfast.

Was super tired today again since slept badly. Seems to always happen when my calories are low. It may be the low carb as well.

Hope you guys are doing well.


waist: 34.8
HB: 88 bpm (that’s strange, should check what that means)


-Scoop of whey
-4 eggs, 2 of which omega 3
-stalk of celery

Today is the second workout day of ABBH. Looking forward to 5x10 of frontsquats. Then I will do some ESW.
I am going to be taking 5-10 g of BCAA before, then 45 g of malto with 30 g protein after everything.

Yeah, Joe, that would be pretty funny if we ended up in the same place. I could just ask you for advice rather than type it. I think we were hoping to get to Manchester. I just don’t like Ronaldo, but I guess I’d have to get over that.

For the carb up on Friday, I was wondering what kind of guidelines you would suggest. I think I will make it a single meal after my workout. What should the macros be for that meal and the rest of the day?

Have a good day guys.

If you go a single meal pwo I would go with some carbs to help with the insulin response, so some form of dextrose, etc. If you don’t then I’d recommend getting your carbs early in the day with breakfast, maybe some oatmeal and an apple. You can possible do both if you’d like. lol

what type of workout day is friday? If it is more intense such as a leg day or something then you can afford to eat a little bit more carbs on that day.


Yeah, maybe I will add a bit to the workout. It’s just supposed to be dips and chins. Maybe I’ll add some lower body in as well. I;m actually already taking carbs post workout (malto), but I would def do that again. Would it be ok to eat bread, chicken, fish, and veggies after? I ask because there is a meal with friends I want to go to that could be right after, and it would be kinda rude not to eat what they prepare. I was thinking if I kept it clean and it was right after my work out, that this may be ok. What do you think?

[quote]doctasarge wrote:
Yeah, maybe I will add a bit to the workout. It’s just supposed to be dips and chins. Maybe I’ll add some lower body in as well. I;m actually already taking carbs post workout (malto), but I would def do that again. Would it be ok to eat bread, chicken, fish, and veggies after? I ask because there is a meal with friends I want to go to that could be right after, and it would be kinda rude not to eat what they prepare. I was thinking if I kept it clean and it was right after my work out, that this may be ok. What do you think?[/quote]

I do, and i read that you are supposed to put 25% of daily carb allowance before workout and 25% after… at least.


Sure it is!
Just include it in your caloric/macro intake allowance.

You gotta live mate, its not like you got a competition deadline…!


Well usually with a workout that isn’t as demanding I’d say no, but that doesn’t look that bad if you don’t overdue it on the bread. In the future I’d try and keep the carbs in the morning or early afternoon instead of dinner. Do you take creatine with the malto pwo? I know you said you were taking protein already.


doctasarge, stop whining and start lifting you son of a bitch!

[quote]Vechter wrote:
doctasarge, stop whining and start lifting you son of a bitch![/quote]

Alright, then I will. No whining from me.

[quote]Dirty Gerdy wrote:
Well usually with a workout that isn’t as demanding I’d say no, but that doesn’t look that bad if you don’t overdue it on the bread. In the future I’d try and keep the carbs in the morning or early afternoon instead of dinner. Do you take creatine with the malto pwo? I know you said you were taking protein already.


I’m taking creatine before and after (with 5 g after and 2.5 before with BCAAs). I’ll keep the next carb ups better, but I’ll try to keep this one clean too.

Here is today so far:

3 g BCAAs/Glutamine

55 min walk pre breakfast

-Scoop of Whey
-4 eggs (w/ 2 omega)
-Stalk of celery

-5 oz Chicken Breast w/ dark

  • 1/4 cup mixed nuts
  • Ice burg

5 g BCAAS/creatine
HIIT 15 min + warm down

5 o’clock
-5 oz chicken breast
-1/4 cup mixed nuts

  • Lettuce

Instead of just lettuce…why not a sald with a no-carb dressing. You might want to check the sodium but if it’s just a regular diet and your not getting into competition shape you can make it easier on yourself. lol :stuck_out_tongue:

I like your creatine pre-post with the malto…good call.


Ok . the rest of the day:

-6 oz salmon
-1 tbsp evoo
-3 Flameout

Before bed
-Cottage Cheese w/ splenda
-2 Flameout

I forgot to say that I also take zma and 5-htp(and in morning) before bed.

Tomorrow, I think I will limit the carbs to maybe a piece of fruit before training and the meal afterwords. I will keep the cals low the rest of the day. Should I do HIIT or something after my training and before my PWO? Thanks guys.

Have a good one guys.

[quote]Dirty Gerdy wrote:
Instead of just lettuce…why not a sald with a no-carb dressing. You might want to check the sodium but if it’s just a regular diet and your not getting into competition shape you can make it easier on yourself. lol :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah man sounds good to me. I haven’t really been able to find any good dressings out there. Maybe I could look at Trader Joe’s. You have any suggestions or just any thing no-carb? And what do you think about the post workout cardio? Thanks again for all your help man.

I haven’t looked up the different kinds of low-carb no-carb dressings but I know they are out there somewhere.

As far as the cardio this is my rule.

if you are doing it anytime after your workout then do it immediately after the workout.

if you are doing it before the workout then do it at least 8 hrs before you hit the weights. So if you do cardio at 10a.m. then hit the weights at 6 p.m.

as far as doing the extra cardio to burn off those carbs, don’t worry about it. That little amount of carbs from fruit won’t due much in a negative way.


[quote]doctasarge wrote:
Here is today so far:

3 g BCAAs/Glutamine

55 min walk pre breakfast

-Scoop of Whey
-4 eggs (w/ 2 omega)
-Stalk of celery[/quote]

For youir information, you neednt just have “1 stakl of celery”… you could have 10, with some fresh raw carrots and some horseradish.

The carbs in veggies are non-impact, the fibre they hold “traps” the carbs so they are not digested my your stomach/tract etc…

Eat as many veggies as you like… also, start taking a teaspoon or a tablespoon of flx oil instead/with the omega 3 eggs. The O3 is great, but an egg has not much and the flax has O6 and O9 too… for cheaper in the long term.

The “good” fats will help you metabolize the “baaaad” fats…


[quote]doctasarge wrote:
Ok . the rest of the day:

-6 oz salmon
-1 tbsp evoo
-3 Flameout

Before bed
-Cottage Cheese w/ splenda
-2 Flameout

I forgot to say that I also take zma and 5-htp(and in morning) before bed.

Tomorrow, I think I will limit the carbs to maybe a piece of fruit before training and the meal afterwords. I will keep the cals low the rest of the day. Should I do HIIT or something after my training and before my PWO? Thanks guys.

Have a good one guys.[/quote]

I would like you to add up the total (for a typical day):


to the nearest 10g or 100 cal.



[quote]Dirty Gerdy wrote:
I haven’t looked up the different kinds of low-carb no-carb dressings but I know they are out there somewhere.

As far as the cardio this is my rule.

if you are doing it anytime after your workout then do it immediately after the workout.

if you are doing it before the workout then do it at least 8 hrs before you hit the weights. So if you do cardio at 10a.m. then hit the weights at 6 p.m.

as far as doing the extra cardio to burn off those carbs, don’t worry about it. That little amount of carbs from fruit won’t due much in a negative way.


Best low carb dressings: Vinegar(s), Citrus Juices, Extra Virgin Olive/Flax/Linseed Oil…
