Help: 18 Almost 19 and Never Had a Girlfriend or Even Kissed a Girl

i thought their faces were attractive but just not muscular enough

well quit calling them 8s or 9s if you don’t think they are. Sheesh.

The solution is simple: you need to find a muscular man and suck his dick. Just suck that one muscular man’s dick and get it out of your system.

Blow the bodybuilder. Are you in the UK? Because I’ve not got any plans for tonight


I’ve not seen a lot of girls with muscular faces.

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lol i was taking about their bodies

hahaha im pretty sure my taste is just weird

The face of their bodies wasn’t muscular enough?

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their faces were pretty but their bodies were not muscular enough.

@Yogi1 :flushed: Fuck
 I can’t believe you just went there haha!

Are you saying your a muscular bodybuilder or just taking advantage of this poor guy’s emotions?!? If the first is true I would love to see pictures :wink: please and thank you!


I’m also very handsome with a gravelly singing voice.

You’ll see for yourself when you make your trip to Scotland.


Start kissing girls. Have sex with a few of them to. Think of it as practice for when you meet one that really does it for you.

Girls say they like sweet innocent guys, but really chicks dig guys that are good with chicks.

So git gud.


You worry me sometimes! Haha

First off, don’t worry that it hasn’t happened yet. It will eventually, and you’re not any less of a man because it hasn’t yet.

It does seem like you’re setting unreasonable standards. To me it sounds like you’re doing it because that way you can make an excuse for why it hasn’t happened yet. It can be about the girl not being “good enough”, “hot enough”, “muscular enough”, etc. instead of taking responsibility yourself.

My guess is that you’re afraid of being rejected if she were to think it wasn’t as good as she expected, or if she found out it was your first kiss.

At the end of the day you’ve got to lean in and do it. Once you burst that bubble you’ll see that it’s not as big and scary as you thought.

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That’s the mildest thing he could have written. PG even. SAMA used to get really weird.

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Girls like shiny stuff. Its just like fishing or maybe raccoons. When they come in close to grab the shiny, you kiss 'em.

It helps if the shiny stuff is close to your face, like a necklace or something.


How many raccoons have you kissed with this method?


None. My wife would kill me if she found out.


I hear ya; my wife is always on my case wanting me to kiss more raccoons. Was hoping this method mighta been the secret.

Isnt that kind of the opposite of what guys are supposed to do?

There is a rulebook?


are guys not be supposed to be the ones taking control?