Hello Everyone

how tall you are? and how much wheight?
9/10 man… looking huge i like. What about bodyfat % ?
My caliper test told me 7.5%. But this is because I have low fat on chest, arms, and back. On just my abs I’m probably at 11%.
Looking big dude. Great transformation in the comparison picture that you’ve shown. I am curious as to what your height and weight are. Also I would like to know some of your personal records for the mandatory lifts.
All the best,
My bench is 345 and my squat is 425, deep. I haven’t dead lifted in a long time, but I like to think my back is pretty solid since I csn dumbbell row with the 100s.
I’m 5’11 and 215.
Wow. If you look like this at 19 (and natty), I’d say you have great potential as a BBer. Best of luck.
Thanks so much! So today I recently came into contact with a person who wants to get me gear. I originally just wanted to do a cycle of test as my first time, but now he’s telling me to try winny, anadrol, and proponate over 12 weeks before my comp to cut, at the price of 700 for everything. Is this wise?
[quote]Ridge596 wrote:
Thanks so much! So today I recently came into contact with a person who wants to get me gear. I originally just wanted to do a cycle of test as my first time, but now he’s telling me to try winny, anadrol, and proponate over 12 weeks before my comp to cut, at the price of 700 for everything. Is this wise?[/quote]
NO, it is not wise. You still have not exhausted your natural potential. Work hard for another several years. If you have to ask on the internet if it is a wise decision, then you have not done your homework and should not start using.
Lol. Natural potential. Cracks me up on that one.
I was already going to do the prop. I was just curious about the synergy of winny and prop.
Don’t do it, wait 5 years atleast and get huger. I know it sounds tempting now but its not the right time, you’ve still got a ton of time to train naturally and make huge gains.
[quote]Ridge596 wrote:
Lol. Natural potential. Cracks me up on that one.[/quote]You’re right, you have definitely tapped out your natural potential, especially mentally. Do it all, load up on gear, clearly you are ready.
Meeeooowww. Someone’s catty. Also apparently I lucked out. Apparently when people find out you’re nineteen, they get… nervous.
The use of AAS at your age is a big mistake. Your brain is still adolescent and developing. You run gear now and you risk permanent irreversible damage to your HPTA. Along with a higher risk of developing neurological disorders. Not a good idea at all. IMO the reward does not outweigh the risks.