Hedlesky's Mental Collapse to The Arnold

You know if you just kept one log and changed the name, instead of constantly starting new ones, it would be a lot easier to follow you. I sometimes accidentally accrue a little bit of a sense of self-worth when I don’t see how much more awesome shit goes on in here than my own training.

[quote]scj119 wrote:
You know if you just kept one log and changed the name, instead of constantly starting new ones, it would be a lot easier to follow you. I sometimes accidentally accrue a little bit of a sense of self-worth when I don’t see how much more awesome shit goes on in here than my own training.[/quote]

I am pinging my IP across several different router points… I need to keep moving so they can’t find me. I am actually typing this in my mobile command center in the back of a re-fitted 18 wheeler.


First of all good luck and speedy recovery with your back!
Second I have two questions: What are your goals for the Arnold and what is a “minotaur curl”?

[quote]Drake37 wrote:
First of all good luck and speedy recovery with your back!
Second I have two questions: What are your goals for the Arnold and what is a “minotaur curl”?[/quote]

I’m pretty sure it’s basically just like doing a kettlebell curl, except you have to transform into a minotaur first, which imo is the hardest part of the exercise.

[quote]Drake37 wrote:
First of all good luck and speedy recovery with your back!
Second I have two questions: What are your goals for the Arnold and what is a “minotaur curl”?[/quote]


Goal for Arnold: Finish with an 830-850 deadlift.
Minotaur Curl: See above picture.

Monster deadlift! After turning into a Minotaur you shouldn’t have much trouble with it though.

[quote]StormTheBeach wrote:

It took a lot of deliberating between killing myself or changing my training up a little. Probably should have killed myself.[/quote]

Naw. You still got too much talent. Wait till you get my age and start falling apart. Then you can seriously consider the other course.

Relax, dude. You’re young. You have a lot of time left in the sport.


[quote]Drake37 wrote:
Monster deadlift! After turning into a Minotaur you shouldn’t have much trouble with it though. [/quote]

I feel like the hooves will add some more surface area thus increasing my stability. The fire breathing will help my core strength.

[quote]kpsnap wrote:

[quote]StormTheBeach wrote:

It took a lot of deliberating between killing myself or changing my training up a little. Probably should have killed myself.[/quote]

Naw. You still got too much talent. Wait till you get my age and start falling apart. Then you can seriously consider the other course.[/quote]

Hopefully, when I am your age, I will look as good in my tank top flexing avatar picture.

[quote]CSEagles1694 wrote:
Relax, dude. You’re young. You have a lot of time left in the sport.


I’m not worried about anything. I am no where near my potential. Priority has to be given to getting my back figured out though. I am lucky, there are some awesome doctors down here whose first response isn’t “Well, stop lifting.” I am sure I’ll get it straightened out.

Thursday-PM- 11/15/12

100 face pulls with 30lbs

A ton of high cable side bends with 50-70lbs
A ton of standing ab pull downs with 50-70lbs

Rowed a 500 in 1:30<~~~ not a pr but I am sitting around at 280lbs right now so I am pretty happy with it.

Saturday-11/17/12- DE Upper

P90X Ab Ripper X dvd for 2 cycles


Rollback BB Ext.-135x4x10/30s rest

Standing Band Rows-Strong and Averagex4x25
Lateral KB Raises-25lbsx4x12

Strong Band Push Downs-40, 30, 30
Strong Band High STR Curls-3x20

Took it kinda easy today.

Thursday-PM- 11/15/12

100 face pulls with 30lbs

A ton of high cable side bends with 50-70lbs
A ton of standing ab pull downs with 50-70lbs

Rowed a 500 in 1:30<~~~ not a pr but I am sitting around at 280lbs right now so I am pretty happy with it.

Saturday-11/17/12- DE Upper

P90X Ab Ripper X dvd for 2 cycles


Rollback BB Ext.-135x4x10/30s rest

Standing Band Rows-Strong and Averagex4x25
Lateral KB Raises-25lbsx4x12

Strong Band Push Downs-40, 30, 30
Strong Band High STR Curls-3x20

100 Strong Band Ab Pull Downs

Took it kinda easy today.


Hamstring Curl Machine (first time using a machine for anything in about 4 years)- 50lbsx around 200 reps? I did a million sets of 25 with a bunch of different foot positions

30lb DB bench for 10 STRAIGHT MINUTES. The last 3 minutes went by pretty quick because I was screaming myself in and out of consciousness.

Pallof Presses- Bunch of sets of 15 counts with 25lbs

Spin bike Tabata.

Feeling thick, solid, tigt, suicidal.

[quote]StormTheBeach wrote:
30lb DB bench for 10 STRAIGHT MINUTES. The last 3 minutes went by pretty quick because I was screaming myself in and out of consciousness.

I don’t think I could to that with the weight of wrist wraps.

[quote]DoubleDuce wrote:

[quote]StormTheBeach wrote:
30lb DB bench for 10 STRAIGHT MINUTES. The last 3 minutes went by pretty quick because I was screaming myself in and out of consciousness.

I don’t think I could to that with the weight of wrist wraps.[/quote]

I almost quit at 7mins. The pain in my hands and chest was almost suicide inducing. But, then I started thinking about how much I didn’t care about how I felt anymore and somehow found some dark primal self hatred part of myself to power through it.

It was awesome.

Got a ballpark rep count on that?

[quote]StormTheBeach wrote:
But, then I started thinking about how much I didn’t care about how I felt anymore and somehow found some dark primal self hatred part of myself to power through it.

It was awesome.[/quote]

I’ve felt like this before. Sometimes it’s a good thing haha.

[quote]WhiteFlash wrote:
Got a ballpark rep count on that?[/quote]

Somewhere between 6 and 50 billion