Heavy Squats and Great Judo

I love this!


I assume a chad is a dick and I think I know what an incel is. But as that is a literary device I’ll ignore it.

I think it’s really good that you posted that story about yourself at the gym. I think the content of the story is god-awful, but airing it out so everyone can see your shame takes some guts and might indicate you’re interested in changing.

I suspect the wasted night you posted about is not unusual for you. At least you made it to the gym, but I suspect many, many hours (days, weeks, months, years) have flitted away in a similar fashion, while you INTEND to accomplish some task or goal but… just… don’t… get… to… it… before it’s too late and the gym is closed, or the opportunity has passed, or whatever.

You are 29 years old. Grow up. Wake up early every day, be active, make smart choices, avoid wasting time.
Try working 2 jobs while going to school and raising a family, or some combination of challenging responsibilities that you can’t simply quit on.

Start now, start with what you have: go to bed early, wake up early, go to the gym at specific times for specific, planned workouts. Eat at regular times and plan your meals in advance.
Limit your screen time and couch time. Get a job if you don’t have one. Volunteer if you cant get a job. DO SOMETHING and do it responsibly and consistently for a long time. That will make you a better person. Be better as someone said.

Ps I do not intend that to be rude or condescending, its what I would say to my brother were he in such a situation.


Hi. Thanks.

Honestly, it wasn’t a frequent occurrence. It happens every now and then, but most days and weeks never have anything that God-awful. I never realized I would end up over-resting in-between sets, and the procrastination was because I was having one of those days where I had racing thoughts and was all over the place.

I’m not saying all this to save face, I assure you. I’m just being honest.

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It’s night time, December 8, 2020. Tuesday.

So umm… I haven’t been posting. So my last PR was yesterday which was 395 pounds for 5 sets of 1 rep. Before that, it was 4 sets of 1 rep. Yesterday, I failed at the 6th single.

So there we go. I aim to squat everyday. But often times I only manage either 5 days a week or 6 days a week.

This is officially Week 13 of my unique training program I designed myself. The first three weeks of those shouldn’t really count because they were all simply practice sets for the sake of learning form. So yeah.

Just a few more, and I’ll do what @T3hPwnisher suggested and do the “Super Squats” program, courtesy of the Ironmind Library. However, if that program contains minimal squatting, I’ll add squats to it. I’m used to squatting heavy with high frequency anyways so where’s the harm? lol. But if I see it has good volume and frequency with squats already, and even intensity, I’ll stick to the program to the letter. I’m just another closet bodybuilder despite wanting to be a good judoka and a monster squatter. lol. It’ll be like my “break” from endless heavy squats.

Lots of you here already saw my recent video. It’s me squatting. For some reason, I can’t post the link here… But yeah, it’s in my other thread called something like “At what point should I listen to pain”.

Thanks for staying tuned to my training log.

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The program has you squat 3x a week, per your discussion of doing so in your future program. If you can add to it, you are doing it wrong: it should wipe you out.


January 4, 2021…

Hi folks. Nah, I haven’t given up yet. Still lifting, but lately been very lax and lazy. I’m on a cutting phase right now. Doctor’s orders. I’ve been on a low calorie diet and have lost 15 pounds so far. Gotten weaker, both because of the low calorie diet and the laziness due to decreased enthusiasm of the low calorie diet. It sucks, but I can’t go “Paul Anderson Mode” since I’m pre-diabetic. Priorities are different now.

But yeah, I’m getting back to my frequent heavy squatting as I’m getting used to my hunger. My best ever squat at this point in my life, which is also my best ever squat ever, is and was 395 pounds for 6 sets of 1 rep, as I’ve shown in a video several weeks ago. A week ago, I just failed lifting that same weight ONCE. lol. So my max is less than that. But it’s fine. Priorities are different now.

I pretty much abandoned my week-format training schedule. I just can’t follow something like that, so instead, I do a 3-day rotation where aside from squats, these are done:

Day 1 = Back and biceps (after squats)

Day 2 = Pressing movements (after squats)

Day 3 = Abs, obliques, and grip training (after squats)

I learned that the 7-day-week Gregorian Calendar training week is overrated, as I read in that thread of mine that was titled something like “Game Changing Realizations”. And really, it’s working well. So basically, it doesn’t matter if those three days end up being Mon-Tue-Wed or Mon-Wed-Fri or Mon-Fri-Sat, as long as I get them done as frequently as I can manage, I’m doing better than doing NOTHING. It eases me psychologically and I feel a certain peace with such a flexible training program.

But yeah, I’m sticking to prioritizing squats until I hit 495 pounds, 5 plates each side, as my max.

If you have any thoughts on Clean Bulking, how it’s done and how effective it is, please tell me about it. It’s my only option to still get stronger without becoming diabetic. I’ll do it after dramatically cutting weight.

@T3hPwnisher @flappinit

Lots of people I wanna tag, lol. I’m back to posting, friends!

I like these articles


Thanks bro!

Anyway… Whether I’m cutting or bulking, I’m gonna squat a lot. Always. Heavy. Unless I’m doing conditioning for Judo performance, in which case I’ll reduce the volume of squats and add endurance training. I’m not there yet.

And for upper body, I’m resolved to exclusively do gymnastics. I’m extremely weak, so mere push ups, bodyweight rows (where you pull yourself up while your soles are touching the ground), and tuck ups are gonna be heavy for me. Isolating my upper body muscles with even compound movements doesn’t feel right. Bodyweight gymnastics are gonna be cool especially since I’m losing weight. The weight loss is gonna help improve my performance on them. Good psychological aid.

Plus, gymnastics look cool and gymnasts look cool. My traps will be de-emphasized, but the mere fact that I’m doing clean pulls will fix that. Win-Win.

Did my squat training yesterday (01-04-2021) followed by clean-pulls. Got weaker, but not too much. I’ll get weaker further. Some dude complimented my squat strength after I did 385 for two singles and I said “Thanks bro! I’m not at full capacity right now.” He was like “REALLY??” I’m glad about that. For the clean pulls, didn’t get stronger. No big deal. 225 for 2 reps, failing at the third rep.

For diet… I had 800 calories total yesterday. No excuses. I’m an idiot. I just wanna get rid of my almost-diabetic state as soon as I possibly can and then bulk up in a very slow, very controlled, very healthy way. Not anytime soon. I gotta lose tons of fat.

(Edit… This post was supposed to be AFTER the one after this one. They got mixed.)

Just to add to the last entry, I also do clean pulls after squats, thrice a week.

It’s Friday, January 08,2021.

Lots of squats, getting weaker with them. Losing weight, which is good. Eating little calories with mostly protein.

Calisthenics for upper body. Inverted rows, push ups, and tuck ups. These are beginner gymnastics moves I heard should be “mastered” first for more advanced gymnastics exercises.

I’m really happy because quite a few people think I’m strong even though I’m almost never lifting at full capacity, both because I can’t go full intensity all the time on squats, and I’m getting weaker because of the diet. I’m sticking to it though. Gonna bulk the right way next time.