I’m glad John Coffey is making music again.
If you need to know, this is how awesome they are:
I just discovered After the Burial. A local band from Minneapolis. I like it. They have been around for awhile and I’ve liked heavier music for a long time. I have seen people with their shirts here and there, but I figured they probably weren’t that good, or just good for a local group. I guess I was missing out.
I really like after the burial, they have some great songs. Some of their stuff I just can’t get into though. The production on their earlier releases is just all over and it sounds like a collection of produced-at-home singles. Each song individually is great, but it just doesn’t work cohesively as an album.
The first song from them that I heard was this one, and it’s still my favorite!
New York hardcore, groove metal or rap? What was the band from New York that was associated with gangs/the grafitti scene. There was one in particular that had a really catchy song and it sounded like metal crossed with rap and hip hop (but not quite nu metal) This song gives me the same vibe as that band
I can’t remember for the life of me… cognitive faculties are stunted
Several. @unreal24278
Terminal Confusion
Crown of Thornz
Mackey from Cro-mags was a graffiti writer but no one else in the band wrote (as they say).
It was this one
@BrickHead there was a hardcore concert in Aus recently where the crowd AND the band were so unruly that the venue issued a permenant ban on the band!
In most venues, moshing isn’t really allowed here. Only in open spaces/large festivals is it tolerated
I can see why that would be the case.
This one’s been a staple of my play queues during the past 8 months or so since I first heard it, so good:
Dude is insaaaaaaaane…
I’ve been on a Slaughter to Prevail / Alex Terrible kick lately
Dude is fucking intense
Just saw Midnight and Danzig in Vegas